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PHPVibe now available on GitHub!

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

Moving production to GitHub where we can easily collaborate.  ;D
I'm sorry it took so long, got some busy time at work.  ::)
This is an open invitation to contribute to PHPVibe via github.com/PHPVibe/PHPVibe-CMS in the spirit of Open Source.
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Hello sir
is it stable version?
or we should stick with 11.0.3?

Thank you

Marius P.Topic starter

It's 11.0.3, it will get an update this month that will convert it to stable. Fixing bugs atm and updating the Youtube importer to a better experience

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I have a suggestion when click Share video there is only provision to add Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook videos, no way to add remote hosted videos. We can add remote videos only from the Admin panel> Add Media, not from Share Video. Kindly include 'remote hosted videos' in Shared video. So it will be You can easily fetch videos from: "Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook, remote hosted video link, *.mp4"

There is an error in existing remote video link share. When we add a remote hosted mp4 video file link, after entering the video description the system shows video created successfully. But nothing can be visible in the video library, nothing is entered into the Mysql database. The link is not properly registering to the database. It simply says, "video created successfully". Please correct the remote video feature.

Marius P.Topic starter

If you wish your visitors to be planted with viruses and stuff like that you can allow your users ways to provide a link to .mp4
But I don't plan to add that, I'm sure it's been discussed in the forums with some pointers on how to achieve it, but it's a high-security issue that won't make it in the cms build.

For the error, it's on my list of bugs to fix, thanks.
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