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Problems during Installation of PHPVibe 11

Started by raiancollyn,

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raiancollynTopic starter

Hello how are you?

I'm opening this topic to report a problem during the installation of the new version, PHPVibe 11, when I go to access it to perform the installation I'm receiving an error 500 on the page /setup/index.php
You cannot view this attachment.

Taking a look at the system logs, I came across this error here:
You cannot view this attachment.
Apparently he is looking for a directory called lib and inside it a layer file ez_sql_core.php
I took a look at the index.php file in the setup folder and noticed that the lib directory is pointed to, however, when searching I did not find it, however, I found the ez_sql_core.php file inside the /app/classes directory
So I tried to change line 11 of the index.php file in the setup folder to the one in the picture:
You cannot view this attachment.

After making this change, now the problem that appeared was another one, now this one is appearing in the log:
You cannot view this attachment.

This one I still couldn't find the cause, so I would like some help

I thank you for your attention



Marius P.

Redownload and replace /setup and /storage  (make this and all folders in it writeable).
It should work now. Keep in mind this is a testing only release. Not all features are in there, not all changes are yet committed. Should be a couple of more days, hope to have a beta by week's end.
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Marius P.

Thank you for the input! It automatically grabbed some weird files from the labs  ::)
Going to manually check it, but was busy with my birthday.
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raiancollynTopic starter


In my case, as the objective was to test the new version, I deleted the files that I had sent, and I downloaded a new version as requested, and, indeed, the first problem was solved, it no longer gives errors regarding the files not being found, however, it still continues to give the second error that I reported, see the image:
You cannot view this attachment.

In any case, thank you for your attention and I await news

Marius P.

Quote from: raiancollyn on Hello

In my case, as the objective was to test the new version, I deleted the files that I had sent, and I downloaded a new version as requested, and, indeed, the first problem was solved, it no longer gives errors regarding the files not being found, however, it still continues to give the second error that I reported, see the image:
You cannot view this attachment.

In any case, thank you for your attention and I await news

On my side that's just a dismissable warning, not a fatal error.
What is your PHP running on?
I'll look what generates it and get back to you.
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Marius P.

Let's try a hack like this

$test_db = $db->get_col("SHOW TABLES",0);


replaced with
$go - true;
if($go) {

See if the issue is generated by the tables check. It went away for me once I've had something in the db.
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Marius P.

Here is a fix , on ezsql class we can do a check:
Instead of lines 174-175
// Extract the column values
$j = count($this->last_result);

do this (replace them with)

// Extract the column values
$j = count((is_countable($this->last_result)?$this->last_result:[]));

PHP 7.2 or up.
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Marius P.

Instead of that fix just replace /setup, /storage and /app/classes
I've released 11.0.2 to fix everything I've found so far in 11.0.1
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raiancollynTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on On my side that's just a dismissable warning, not a fatal error.
What is your PHP running on?
I'll look what generates it and get back to you.

I am using PHP 8.0.25
I deleted the files and downloaded the new version to test, I also changed the PHP version to 7.4.33 to test and it seems to have worked.
It seems that the problem is the same PHP version.

You cannot view this attachment.

I noticed something else, when he accesses this screen in the image above, on the first access this screen does not appear to fill in the data, I had to refresh the page for it to appear, I do not know if it is a bug or if it is something in my installation .

Another thing I noticed is that, after installation, a message appears at the top of the page saying that the license is wrong, I found it strange because I used the PHPVibe license, I even enabled it on the site for use in that domain, see:

You cannot view this attachment.
You cannot view this attachment. 

Anyway, thanks for the help, in the meantime I'm going to test other things since I can already use it.

Marius P.

I think it's just a matter of the Alpha version missing the proper license check in the admin and reverting to the old one.
I'll add it, still have some things to add and change.

Since I no longer have more than 1 server at my disposal to test the CMS I solely rely on you guys to find the issues in the alpha.  O:-)
Thanks for your feedback so far! Really appreciate it!
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