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salut, am revenit cu vechea problema cu videoclipurile cand dai upload si selectezi la Topic: select something , pun default sau ce categorie creez eu dar nu se pune pe prima pagina videoclipul daca dau in stanga la browse apar videoclipurile.. , daca intru in admin panel la video si ma uit la Category: este spatiu gol nu apare nimic selectat daca saelectez de acolo categoria apare pe prima pagina , dar cu toate astea eu am dat cand am uploadat video am selectat ... dar nu apare...
PHPVibe 11.0.47 : Mandatory security fixes
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Hi! Sorry for the very late reply, I had a really agitated period at my job, here you go
Thank you very much May i know any ETA of Fix or update?Thank you
Note: Maria Database should be version 11+
Hi Mario
I sent you Message...check it once
Thank you
I sent you Message...check it once
Thank you
I'll check and fix it for you. But do keep in mind this is one of the functions I plan to remove as I want to simplify PHPVibe shortly.
Let me get something online, the server's disk crashed and I had to recover a lot of websites for clients I'm going to get to a PHPVibe demo soon, I've lost all of Videoshifter's data.
Mario Bro Could you please check this your side?
Thank you
Thank you