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MP3 Player Support

Started by HPR,

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HPRTopic starter

Dear Sir

some people wants to listen music only no videos.

can you add Mp3 support in Vibe11 please

Thank you

Marius P.

 :o but PHPVibe has mp3 support since version 5.
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HPRTopic starter

Hello Sir
i know php vibe have support for upload mp3 files.

but i am saying to play only mp3 audio not video either source is YT or other video hosting sites...

Thank you

Marius P.

Are you saying you just want to remove everything else except mp3 uploads? Cause I can't really understand you right now
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HPRTopic starter

No sir
as we know it is video portal which play videos ,i just want audio in player no video.just want to listen audio from Ytube no video. . you can say radio portal.no need to upload mp3 or removal of other things. just wants to click on thumbnail it play only audio.
sorry for my bad english

Marius P.

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