[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Not using the right ffmpeg and many entries unpublished

Started by grantj21,

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grantj21Topic starter

It would be a great help to us all if you would advice us to which ffmpeg are you using and where it is located as I've been at this for 4 day's and still it will not work. however my clipbucket site converts just fine on the same server.

PHPVibe A.

Hi, all the details and informations are here http://www.phprevolution.com/requirements/ (includes our ffmpeg setup) and here http://www.phprevolution.com/installing-phpvibe/ (step 5) also includes where to edit the php command for PHPVibe in case you have an older one.
Clipbucket is compatible with old ffmpeg formats like 0.x, we are not by default, but the ffmpeg command it's one line and can be modified to suit everyone's needs.

grantj21Topic starter

Thank you for the advice I'll look at tomorrow let know how I get on.

grantj21Topic starter

Ok if anyone else is having issues with install ffpmpeg-php here is the fix for  install ffmpeg-php on CentOS 6 server  download file

Unzip it and upload the folder ffmpeg-php-master to cd /usr/src
set to 777
login as root user

cd /usr/src/ffmpeg-php-master
make install

Worked for me after a week of trying to install ffmpeg-php-0.6.0, seems this install has issues with Cenos 6 and breaks it or it will not install right giving errors, hope is is helpful to someone.

removes this error
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ffmpeg.so


PHPVibe A.

fffmpeg-php is bullshit and no longer used or supported.
Use FFMEG from 2013(+) and you won't need anything else.

grantj21Topic starter

I ask you which one you was using you didn't help me with its location or how its installed, anyway you call it bullshit but it worked. and I didn't have paid someone $100 for 10 minutes work. And I also used FFmpeg 2.1 but it didn't install the file ffmpeg.so to the extension folder which was my main issue I was having.


grantj21Topic starter

So this issue is still here has not gone away, any video script's I've used, has never made 16000+ copy's of one video because ffmpeg isn't configured right why hasn't this been fixed, make one copy delete file that's all it should do.

I spent a week last time getting ffmpeg to work with 3.4 how I have to remove it and install 2.1 3 weeks of messing about and I still can't put my site on-line. I'm starting to think I'm wasting on time

PHPVibe A.

The recent versions of ffmpeg don't need to be plugged to php.ini, so no use of adding ffmpeg.so.

I've used this https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide but I don't know on what Os you are, it worked flawless for me. I use simple "ffmpeg" as command.

PS: First time I tried ffmpeg tree years ago it took me a month to give up, it can be a pain, and we gave up very hard to our customer's requests to add support for it in this script since we knew there will be headaches.

PHPVibe A.

You could try this solution I've shared on 23 February.

Quote from: Alexander on
t had made over 13,000 copy's of the same video so tick the box marked remove video after upload ???

If you have a weird loop error (unexplained inserts), remove the shell_exec to videocron.php from lib/upload-ffmpeg.php and run videocron.php from cpanel crons.
I've found this behavior for a client once, and this did it.
I could not explain it, since feedback was low, if you have more feedback, let me know, I am more than interested since there is no actual loop there and only one insert command.

//Needs converting
$db->query("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."videos (`date`,`pub`,`token`, `user_id`, `tmp_source`, `thumb`) VALUES (now(), '0','".$token."', '".user_id()."', '".$file."','uploads/processing.png')");
$binpath = get_option('binpath','/usr/bin/php5');
$command = $binpath." -f ".ABSPATH."/videocron.php";
exec( "$command > /dev/null &", $arrOutput );

changed to

//Needs converting
$db->query("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."videos (`date`,`pub`,`token`, `user_id`, `tmp_source`, `thumb`) VALUES (now(), '0','".$token."', '".user_id()."', '".$file."','uploads/processing.png')");

and videocron.php added as a cpanel cron (else, no conversion).

This has happen before, but it's 2-3 people out of thousands, can't say it's an error to fix.
Mostly an shel_exec conflict on server.

grantj21Topic starter

Yes your advice did the job just great thank you 8)


an fyi of you see git clone timing out (from the linked guide)  CSF firewall can cause this, spent 15 minutes tearing hair out, disabled csf and all good.

PHPVibe A.

Thank you for posting, and glad it solved it.

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