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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] [Idea] Comment-system on articles/blog-posts

Started by ollipaust,

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ollipaustTopic starter

Hello !

First of all, I'd like to say how much I like the 3.5! You did a really nice job!

Actually, when I planned my site, I didn't need a blog-function, since its a video-sharing site.
But now I really like the idea and I will implement this for sure in my project.

Since Blogposts should give user information or so, I thought it might be better,
if user can comment on them!

So, I'd be grateful if you could implement it or tell me a way how to do this,
since I am not a professional PHP-programmer.

Thanks in advance!

PHPVibe A.

Will implement, should be 1 line of code.


Comment-system on articles not implemented in update

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Alexander on
...as it said in the thread, all that was not done will be released as patches, we go in an 1 week Easter vacation, and wanted to have the update come out before the break.

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