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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Open invite to discuss the "real deal" of the web

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

I've been asked so many times what do I believe about launching a website and what is the key to success in doing this.

Well, I'll be raw and honest in what I am about to tell you guys, as I'm this guy that doesn't like sweet sugar-coded stuff:
The key to success is to understand that you are releasing to a world of idiots!
Yes, I've said it, I'm not joking either.

Ever trolled Youtube, ever trolled support on big platforms just to check out people?
I do that!

The majority of comments look like:
If you are listening to this song in {insert year} like my comment.
If you have 5 fingers on your hand like this.
If you have 2 feet, like my comment.
If you believe in God subscribe to my channel.

Facebook makes no difference.

People can't tell a button from an elephant.

We live in world where people don't know how to speak their native language, and have no idea there's a thing called "grammar", but they are "like" addicted, popularity craving small minds.

I've closed one of my websites to mail confirmation, lost 90% of new  sign-ups, changed the mail DNS to one which said 100% delivery, no rate improvement.

It was just until I've accidentally talked with one of the people that failed to sign-up (she was in my Fb list) that I've realized it was not the system's fault. I don't want to tell you this story, it's a "faith in humanity lvl 0" type of story.   I want however to point out that the stupidity out there has passed every red alarm possible and that you are launching websites for a majority of this type of people. 

It's not a big deal...or maybe it is! I've instantly asked myself "How can I take advantage?" Do you ask yourself this?

The websites that seem to rise fast are simple and "idiot accessible", the key seems to have an abundant amount of notifications, and a "like button" ... no no no, not the "like video button", but the "people like me button" , the "fk me I'm smart" button, that "like button"!

Your opinion is...?
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

PHPVibe A.

 :D I can't stop r.o.f.l.
This should be sad, and true, but I'm still laughing hard  ;D



PHPVibe A.

Here's the somehow connected discussion I've read today:

QuoteeBay study warns search ads have 'no measurable benefit'
Customers are just as likely to click on natural search results as paid ads, a US study has found, raising questions about the efficacy of the multi-billion dollar search advertising market

Quote"Of the $31.7bn that was spent in the US in 2011 on internet advertising, estimates project that the top 10 spenders in this channel account for about $2.36bn... our study suggests that much of what is spent on internet advertising may be beyond the peak of its efficacy."


Marius P.Topic starter

The connection I see it, what I don't really see if why they leave out the "real deal".
As we discuss it, I will address it:

People click on search ads because they think they are "Google results", or worse "Top Google results as they are highlighted".

I've worked for 8-9 years in marketing so far, I can tell you that not even marketing clients understand this.
We've bumped into people that wanted to be "ranked 1", above the ad :) So, after all the explaining and nothing to be understood we charged them monthly for the "no 1 ad" and they where happy cause they "ranked first" on Google.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

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