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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] There is a error something on the Slider Plugin for Safari browser of iphone.

Started by lucaphuoc,

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lucaphuocTopic starter

When I activate Slider plugin, The Web browser (we use Safari browser of Iphone and Ipad) displays an error when accessing web: "a problem occurred with this webpage so it was reloaded".  But, When I Disable Slider plugin, It Ok.
I think there is a error something on the Slider Plugin for Safari browser of iphone and ipad
Please help me. Thank you so much!

I use PHPVibe 4 - Video CMS v4.20 and Slider plugin v1.1




I think, it's flash problem.
Apple doesn't supports flash.
To other browsers, your site working fine.

lucaphuocTopic starter



I can't test it on the İphone.
Because, I have Galaxy S5.
But, When I test youtube on Safari Desktop, youtube gave this error :
Sorry.Your browser no longer supported.
Also, on your site It's force loads the flash player.See the image.

Please try to force html5.
For example :

lucaphuocTopic starter




lucaphuocTopic starter



After change the player, did you delete the cache?
Sorry I don't use slider plugin.For this reason, I can help you limited.

lucaphuocTopic starter


lucaphuocTopic starter


lucaphuocTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

I think it's mostly an Easy Video Player issue, that plugin just pulls your original iframe from the video page.

We don't have any IOS product around, just Android devices, so can't test, but if EVP has issues on IOS, you have other players to choose from (this is why there is not only 1 player in the cms).

lucaphuocTopic starter

I tried it with: JwPlayer, Youtube's Player, Easy Video Player. Clean Cache. But, All appears this error.
Android is Ok, Windows phone is Ok. But iOS appears this error.

PHPVibe A.

Do your iframes work? If you embed them somewhere (like on a blog) and then check them.

Also, could you check www.misterdevil.com (16+) tell me if by any chance works there.

lucaphuocTopic starter

I check web: www.misterdevil.com is OK. Thank you so much.
I understood this error. When I delete 30 Videos on the home page, then it not appears this error. Because, There are 400 Videos on homepage. Maybe there are too many videos on the homepage.

PHPVibe A.

Wow, there are way too many my friend, imagine you actually pull a image for each of those, you take a lot of ram on your visitor and load time.

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