[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] 404 error when saving configuration

Started by sawyer10,

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sawyer10Topic starter

As the title says, im not able to save configuration from the moderator. After pressing "save" den i only getting a 404 page :/ What is wrong?


PHPVibe A.

I need more details.

Did you rename the admin folder?
Do you have mod_security or any firewall that could block the page because of the serialized input?

sawyer10Topic starter

I did not rename the admin folder(public_html). How do i find out about the mod_seq?

I found some new details... I am able to update and save something in the configs, but when im trying to add my analytics code, the 404 error comes. Very strange..

sawyer10Topic starter

In the meanwhile i also found a new error. When i tried to create a new article for categories i got an new error: Notice: Undefined index: categ in /home/******/public_html/moderator/create-pch.php on line 16

But it looks like the category was created afterall with this error.

sawyer10Topic starter

And also, it says that the category and my article was created for 7 hours ago...should be more like 1 minute.. I think you guys need to login, for my site have a lot of wrongs.. where do i send the login details?

sawyer10Topic starter

Also got 404 when trying to add a youtube video in moderator/?sk=add-video

PHPVibe A.

when you get 404 on a functional page after a post that page was killed by mod_security.
PHPVibe uses serialization when posting so it's not working good with mod_security if it's a default installation of mod_security.

mod_security disabled
Or configured to allow 'http' in $_POST

For the server time / your time difference, it's simple, open vibe.setts.php

At the top it has:

/** Timezone (set your own) **/

change it to

/** Timezone (set your own) **/

and edit Europe/Bucharest to your local timezone (list of timezones is here http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php ).

PHPVibe A.

And for the other thing, that notice is harmless, it will go away after this upgrade. A php notice is not an error.

sawyer10Topic starter

Okey i now got the mod_security down, but after installing the script again i got this message: Seems your host misses the mbstring extension. This is not an error, but you may see weird characters when cutting uft-8 titles

How do i fix this?

sawyer10Topic starter


PHPVibe A.

The mbstring is a module for the server for cutting utf8 titles. It needs to be installed on the server side, but it's optional.

That image is indeed wrong, maybe a bad cache from timthumb.

PHPVibe A.

Btw, you didn't need to re-install the script.

sawyer10Topic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Btw, you didn't need to re-install the script.

Unfortunately i needed that, because the hosting account at godaddy had permanent mod_sec . So now im running a VPS. I also see that i need to install Ioncube now, since i get an error when im trying to access the /moderator.

How do i fix the image?

Thanks for all help so far

PHPVibe A.

Most probably the target image is missing, it should be uploads/def-avatar.jpg (maybe it didn't get uploaded) , is this one http://demo.phpvibe.com/uploads/def-avatar.jpg

What panel do you run? You can do the full config from whm -> software upgrade for all requirements http://www.phpvibe.com/#requirements except ffmpeg, you just click customize based on current build and check what you need to add (mbstring, ioncube, etc).

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: sawyer10 on
In the meanwhile i also found a new error. When i tried to create a new article for categories i got an new error: Notice: Undefined index: categ in /home/******/public_html/moderator/create-pch.php on line 16

But it looks like the category was created afterall with this error.

On that line create-pch.php:16

you can change
if(intval($_POST['categ']) > 0) {


if(isset($_POST['categ']) && intval($_POST['categ']) > 0) {

for the notice to go away

We did it anyways in this upcoming upgrade.

sawyer10Topic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Most probably the target image is missing, it should be uploads/def-avatar.jpg (maybe it didn't get uploaded) , is this one http://demo.phpvibe.com/uploads/def-avatar.jpg

What panel do you run? You can do the full config from whm -> software upgrade for all requirements http://www.phpvibe.com/#requirements except ffmpeg, you just click customize based on current build and check what you need to add (mbstring, ioncube, etc).

The image is uploaded, so this is kind of strange since it not missing.

I run WHM and i tried to install the Ioncube with Easy apache..but still says its not installed when i try.

Is this something you can help me with, and the small other problems if i gave you access? Just so we can get this away, you prob fixx this in notime? :)

PHPVibe A.

Sure, use info@mediavibe.ro and "To Alex" or similar, so they post it on the company board to me only.
I just need the whm url and login.

sawyer10Topic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Sure, use info@mediavibe.ro and "To Alex" or similar, so they post it on the company board to me only.
I just need the whm url and login.

Great! Sent :)

sawyer10Topic starter

Quote from: sawyer10 on
Great! Sent :)

A little update: I was able to install the Ioncube, but still something wrong with the picture and the mbstring extension. I have sent mail with access.


sawyer10Topic starter

A little update again: The image fault was because the gd libary was not installed..i Think its working now.

What`s still not working: The copyright text is not showing, and MbString extension.

sawyer10Topic starter

I also found something more faults :/

The thumbnails images for the test videos that i published are messed up.
The site have become very very slow.
The views are showing the youtube views some places and my own views mixed together.

So please contact me by mail.

PHPVibe A.

you need to explain what "messed up" refers to so I can figure out what's going on.
For slow, try this: http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/just-installed-and-20-cron-jobs/msg16798/#msg16798
PHPVibe doesn't count/grab Youtube views, so this is not the case. The case is maybe your database has issues, and this would also explain the slow site. You need to run an check and repair on your tables and an optimize via phpmyadmin


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