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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Password Recovery Not Working

Started by imranw,

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imranwTopic starter


I am trying to work the password recovery option and after an email is entered and recover password link clicked I am getting the following message "Message could not be sent.Could not instantiate mail function."

I have a SMTP server name provided by the hosting company....where do I need to specify that along with any other options if any? Thanks

imranwTopic starter

I am using ubuntu and sendmail is not installed by default. Manually installed it and I am no longer getting the original error message however during recovery no email is received from the server. Any advise?


did you configure the mail permissions after installing the send mail?

imranwTopic starter

Sendmail was causing too many issues..unknowns..so I have removed sendmail and am now using phpmailer with SMTP option. Now the issue is that I can send an email using a php test script but phpvibe is still not sending any email


I was just looking at the class.phpmailer.php located in lib/ and it looks like smtp is not set to send mail.

go into that file and search for this line:

public $Mailer = 'mail';

and change it to:

public $Mailer = 'smtp';

If that don't work I also noticed a little farther down there is a line that says:

public $SMTPAuth = false;

as far as I know that should read:

public $SMTPAuth = true;

if you want to log in with smtp.. but am not sure.



imranwTopic starter

hey bob...I already had those settings defined in phpmailer but it was still not working. Finally checked com_login.php and found that it uses noreply@ alias to send emails and my SMTP provider required that to match an existing email address. I created a new email alias (noreply@) and then updated phpmailer with that info and its all working now :)


Marius P.

Sorry for not being around, sick as a dog :(
Glad all is fine.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!



public $Mailer = 'smtp';

public $Host = 'smtp.gmail.com';

public $Port = 465;

public $SMTPSecure = 'ssl';

public $SMTPAuth = true;

public $Username = 'xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com';

public $Password = '1234567890';

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