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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Admin can upload a video but users Can't

Started by aralom,

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aralomTopic starter

Hello, i have a little issue with PHPVibe 3.6 Second Edition.
Admin can upload video without problems but when the users upload a video works show as normal the issue is the video is not been upload.
Any Advice?

Best Regards!! :)

Marius P.

Can you provide a url so I can check? It uses the same and only upload system for both.
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aralomTopic starter

Hello Mario, i send by private message the url.

Marius P.

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aralomTopic starter

I have no idea what is happening because i just create a user account and seems charge the video but dont give the message "video will be approved by the admin" and is not been showed in the unpublished media.
Instead your video is been showed inside unpublished media what do you thing that is happening? :(


Marius P.

I'm completely dizzy, I have no clue what's going on from your explanation.
Check under Settings -> Upload config. What's the 'Uploaded video state'?
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aralomTopic starter


Marius P.

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aralomTopic starter

Yes friend should be there, but is not there.
A few days ago i been checking that i have this error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/jpaust/public_html/moderator/edit-user.php on line 60.
Searching inside the forum find this: http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/views-bug-edit-user-gt-group-bug/msg15370/#msg15370. Apply the advice and works perfect. The error was fixed.
After that i dont make any change.
Do you think something will be corrupted inside the data base?


Marius P.

Can't say, surely not in the database is the problem.
If you use Youtube importer's where do they go 'Unpublished' or to the live media?
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aralomTopic starter

Im not using youtube, just upload by pc.

aralomTopic starter

Any news??
Something is happening, what i need to do?
Do you want ftp access?
Id like if you can check it im really need to be ready all.  :'(

Marius P.

Quote from: aralom on
Any news??
Something is happening, what i need to do?
Do you want ftp access?
Id like if you can check it im really need to be ready all.  :'(

Send me your admin panel and ftp by private message so I can check.
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