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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Advertising on fhome / Ads not showing on Homepage Builder Block

Started by gerardfox,

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gerardfoxTopic starter


I tried searching the forum for this tutorial but couldn't find one addressing this problem. I'm currently on the PHPvibe without the ultima theme.
I added a recent homepage block but couldn't get the ads to show on the top of video list and bottom of the video list. However when i clicked on the recent button on sidebar right, the ads shows up.

Anyway to fix this or properly attach an
echo _ad('0','homepageblock');

For those looking to modify the ads on homepage sidebar left and right

Marius P.

Hi, I assume you managed it?
Sorry, was delayed by the Halloween.
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gerardfoxTopic starter

Hi Mario,

No worries, my country is celebrating Halloween as well.

The ads is not coming out at the homepage block units. It is coming out at the domain.com/videos/browse though. Its coming out at all the domain.com/videos folders.

Hope you can place some advice, my php is not good.


Marius P.


if your code is

echo _ad('0','homepageblock');

when you create the static ad type homepageblock in 'Ad spot'.
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gerardfoxTopic starter

Hi Mario,

I couldn't locate the homepage block php code to insert the echo,
can you direct me to the right file? I understand about the adding the target name but i just don't know where to put the code into.
hope you can direct me. thank you!

love phpvibe automated function!

Marius P.

tpl/{theme}/home.php renders all the home.
Tell me in detail what you wish to achieve so I can guide you in detail.
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gerardfoxTopic starter

Hi Mario,

something like what mast.pk had achieved would be great.

There's a top ad and a side right skyscraper ad.

I'll try it out myself and update this thread for those that are noob in PHP  :))

Thanks for the file location!

Marius P.

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