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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Translate 100% How do it ?

Started by aleksey,

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alekseyTopic starter


So i have a licence of PHpvibe Great Cool !!!


How to Translate on 100% ?

Here is a images to proove that the translate dont work on 100%.. On admin page we translate all in section Laguage


We search other bugs on language

PHPVibe A.

Here you go some tips:


Some things are javascript based and they cannot be translated from the admin panel, like the file select thing.

Keep them posting, we'll patch it for all the php issues.

alekseyTopic starter

You mean traduction will not work on 100% ?

And the tips dont help me more.

When you think to resolve it ?


PHPVibe A.

Let me explain something, the translation system is applied to the template terms.
The things you dynamically insert remain just as inserted (for example box titles, but we can provide workarounds if they are needed).
The "Allowed" and the "Select file" are from the jquery plugins handling those parts, and javascript translations are hard to implement.

For the rest, if there is a slip, I'll post a ticket to our development so they check and do it.

alekseyTopic starter

ok so i wait for the other translate !! When oyu think write to us ? About this ?

Thank you

PHPVibe A.

As soon as they are done with what they are building, they will check the tickets.

alekseyTopic starter

Ok wait.

It will take many time ?

May i have a custom support ?

alekseyTopic starter


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