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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Apple devices: upload video via mobile?

Started by YehudaBitton,

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YehudaBittonTopic starter

there is a option to upload video via iPhone or iPad because now when i'm trying to upload a video via my iphone to your demo website this is look like upload but nothing work.
there is a option to fix that?

YehudaBittonTopic starter

hey i didn't see how to edit messege but i want to know how can i get hebrew to this script?

PHPVibe A.

You want to upload a .mov? Indeed our demo does not have that in allowed extensions, and I don't have an login to it as admin, will ask my colleague when he is back.
Hebrew? Not sure I follow...

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
You want to upload a .mov? Indeed our demo does not have that in allowed extensions, and I don't have an login to it as admin, will ask my colleague when he is back.
Hebrew? Not sure I follow...
hey pls tell him to check that http://thenextstar.co.il/video/1/img-3641-mp4/ this is video that i upload via my iphone why i get this problem?

PHPVibe A.

The source file is not there, do you have ffmpeg? If so, is it configured correctly?
If you don't have, turn it off from the admin panel "Cron & ffmpeg" and clear cache from Tools -> Clean cache and you can try the upload again.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
The source file is not there, do you have ffmpeg? If so, is it configured correctly?
If you don't have, turn it off from the admin panel "Cron & ffmpeg" and clear cache from Tools -> Clean cache and you can try the upload again.
hey pls look again http://thenextstar.co.il/video/1532/img-2873-mov/ i turn off the ffmpeg and then i clean cache and it's still not work when i'm try to upload from my iphone.

PHPVibe A.

QuoteMOV* is a very popular video type. However it is not a native HTML5 video**, thus QuickTime MOV videos are not playable on HTML5 browsers.

Quote from: Alexander on
Works http://www.videoinedit.com/video/6466/sample-mov/
Added this to "Uploads & Config" in "Allowed video extensions"


Do you use ffmpeg?

Cause you need to reconvert it as it seems:
Source: http://www.html5videoplayer.net/html5video/mov-to-html5/

Did you read this.
Also select another player, think there is an small issue with jwplayer, will fix it very fast.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Did you read this.
Also select another player, think there is an small issue with jwplayer, will fix it very fast.
Really thanks for your help but when I'm try to upload a video from my iphone when I'm choose a video it automatically say that's it upload without loading or something like that and when I'm upload from PC it's upload with loading you understand what I mean?
Pls help me to fix that.

PHPVibe A.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Not really. What mobile device?
I have iPhone 5s and iPad 3 and both of them made to me this problem that I can't upload video when I'm choose video it not upload the file this is automatically mark green "V" and when I'm upload it to the website and I going to watch the video there is nothing to see(no video file)
Pls help me and try understand me and sorry if I'm hard to understand :/

PHPVibe A.

I've just told you you need ffmpeg for .mov to work.
else, clearly they won't work if not reconverted to .mp4
Try on videoinedit.com, you'll see it works, because we use ffmpeg.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
I've just told you you need ffmpeg for .mov to work.
else, clearly they won't work if not reconverted to .mp4
Try on videoinedit.com, you'll see it works, because we use ffmpeg.
Pls you can do that for me?
And in the installation do for me step 4 and step 5 pls?
And how to RTL the website?

PHPVibe A.

We can't install ffmpeg, the guy which was doing this is on vacation for 2 months due to medical conditions.
Ask support from your hosting for ffmpeg installation.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
We can't install ffmpeg, the guy which was doing this is on vacation for 2 months due to medical conditions.
Ask support from your hosting for ffmpeg installation.
and what about RTL direction?

PHPVibe A.

I'm not sure what that implies, I saw many RTL copies of PHPVibe, I think it's just a matter of changing the metatags in tpl/{used theme}/tpl.globals.php

I guess

<html dir="rtl" lang="he-IL">

Or you could try http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/plugins-mods/phpvibe-to-arab-rtl-gt-a-suggestion-tool/msg13800/#msg13800

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
I'm not sure what that implies, I saw many RTL copies of PHPVibe, I think it's just a matter of changing the metatags in tpl/{used theme}/tpl.globals.php

I guess

<html dir="rtl" lang="he-IL">

Or you could try http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/plugins-mods/phpvibe-to-arab-rtl-gt-a-suggestion-tool/msg13800/#msg13800
Ok thanks I will try it and how do I remove powered by?

PHPVibe A.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
it's in tpl.globals.php
But I don't understand how to remove this "Powered By"?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: YehudaBitton on
But I don't understand how to remove this "Powered By"?

and I'm not allowed to tell that on the forum...

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
I've just told you you need ffmpeg for .mov to work.
else, clearly they won't work if not reconverted to .mp4
Try on videoinedit.com, you'll see it works, because we use ffmpeg.
also in videoinedit it's not work look http://www.videoinedit.com/video/6817//
i'm trying to explain you when i'm upload a video file from my iphone/ipad that's automaticliy said like it upload and you don't see that it upload the file when i'm just choose the file to upload it say upload.
pls help me with that my site can't be used from phone :((

PHPVibe A.

Seems that video doesn't get converted.
Not sure, I know I've tested .mov and they worked fine, maybe it's an ffmpeg issue.
Can you link the video somewhere on the web so we can test with it?

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Seems that video doesn't get converted.
Not sure, I know I've tested .mov and they worked fine, maybe it's an ffmpeg issue.
Can you link the video somewhere on the web so we can test with it?
Pls try this: take a iphone or iPad and try to upload a video from the device and you will see the problem that I mean pls do it thanks.

PHPVibe A.

We have no apple device in here, I've tested .mov samples from the web.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
We have no apple device in here, I've tested .mov samples from the web.
so the phpvibe not work with apple device?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: YehudaBitton on
so the phpvibe not work with apple device?

Just the team, the cms works. Nobody else has reported having any issue.

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