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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Patch 13

Started by ASDF,

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ASDFTopic starter

Hey Alex,
I myself updated the theme to patch 12 and everything was working fine untill i decided to go for patch 13...but failure, can you check if it's just me or there is something really wrong with the patch 13.....although my site is up and running.
When i login with my moderator account...it renders
Hold on!

The configuration file needs editing OR/AND the "hold" file exists on your server!
Run Phpvibe's setup.
and when i reverted the changes, nothing changed......i don't have the hold file......i have PM you my ftp details.

ASDFTopic starter

Also...please check if it's my browser or something else, my homeblock's heading appears first when i open my site but video appears after almost 10 seconds...i have already complained about the second problem earlier.

PHPVibe A.

I don't think this is from patch 13, no files have been modified which could trigger such a behaviour.

You seem to be missing some files:

[08-Apr-2015 07:38:52 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Warning:  include_once(/home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/com/com_feed.php) [<a href='function.include-once'>function.include-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/index.php on line 132
[08-Apr-2015 07:38:52 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Warning:  include_once() [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: Failed opening '/home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/com/com_feed.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/index.php on line 132

ASDFTopic starter

I have PM you my ftp details....can you please look at this?.... :-\.

PHPVibe A.

You have a fine mixture of remaining caches from before the full cache upgrade, let's me see if this is the cause.

ASDFTopic starter

Thank you for looking into it....

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: ASDF on
Thank you for looking into it....

That's the most messy install I've even seen.
Your admin is set to /moderator but /moderator contains the files for 3.6
and surprise, index.php in moderator is actually the index.php from site.
No wonder it doesn't work...

ASDFTopic starter

I don't want to blame my host for this, who always has done the install and upgrade for me....i might have messed up while traanferring via ftp..... :( :( :(.

PHPVibe A.

I've overwritten your admin, and it works now :)

ASDFTopic starter

Thank you Alex...but what about the second problem...about videos getting displayed almost after 10 seconds after their name is displayed...Please, give me a solution for this..

Thank you.

PHPVibe A.

First: your front-end is not even patch 12 (I can tell cause you have the content design bug on the first page).
Second: Your videos load fine, if there is an delay is probably from your net or some cache issue in the browser.
Players don't instantly load, they are trigger on document ready (for every player), so it would need the js to load before the players can be built, so they never load first.
This depends 100% on the speed on the internet, I can't speed this up from code.

ASDFTopic starter

My first end is not even patch 12.....how? :o.

PHPVibe A.

front-end not 'first end' :) the site itself.
You see, in the previous patches there was a small bug in the language menu, an closing div was rendered under the sidebar, you have that, this was fixed in patch 12.


alexander great job ,
to patch 14 , it will autoplay for videojs

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Wnux on
alexander great job ,
to patch 14 , it will autoplay for videojs
You can easily autoplay videojs by just adding the autoplay tag to it's embed code, example:

<video id="test" class="video-js" width="720" height="360" controls="controls" preload="auto" autoplay="true" poster="">


Quote from: Alexander on
You can easily autoplay videojs by just adding the autoplay tag to it's embed code, example:

<video id="test" class="video-js" width="720" height="360" controls="controls" preload="auto" autoplay="true" poster="">

thank you Alexander :)

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