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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] automatic logout after login ?

Started by alimehdipak,

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alimehdipakTopic starter




alimehdipakTopic starter

no dear . its automatically logout. then I need to sign in again.

PHPVibe A.

Not sure what's going on there since there is a dual login happening:
- session
- if session is over it loggs you by cookie

Better check your server's cookies/session setting...maybe the storage folder is full or something...

alimehdipakTopic starter

reply from hosting provider.

Hello Ali,

The disk space is fine in server. All the filesystem have enough space. The problem may be with the your PHPvibe settings. Please check with your developer.

PHPVibe A.

I honestly have no clue, did you try another browser?
give me the link...

alimehdipakTopic starter


and i talk to my own developer he said i need to read code first , but its good to contact to PHPVIBE ,

PHPVibe A.

I've logged and browsed 10 videos so far...no logout...

PHPVibe A.

No, still logged in.
Maybe it's your browser which doesn't keep cookies...

Check that related video query, I guess it's custom, but on some videos it trows error:

Warning: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's LEAKED SCENES | KICK 2014 kick movie Hangover song' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) ' at line 1 in /home/{hidden}/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 249

alimehdipakTopic starter

its logout when i was trying to edit video in moderator : http://prntscr.com/476nka

when i open 5 to six video .

PHPVibe A.

Then most probably you have mod_security and it's blocking you out of the server when you have an larger $_POST.

alimehdipakTopic starter

Hosting Replied :

Hello Ali,

We have checked the server settings and found that mod security is not enabled in server. So please check with developer and let us know if you need any assistance.

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

Then I will need an error_log, because I have no further ideas...

alimehdipakTopic starter

error_log ?
How i will give u ???
ftp details ??
or ivod moderator details ?

PHPVibe A.

Every server has an error log, depends on the setup where it is located. ftp/admin won't help.
In Cpanel you can check the error log in the panel http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/CpanelDocs/ErrorLog

alimehdipakTopic starter

Hi Ali,

Your server is custom setup server. So there is no control panel. I have enabled php error logging server wide so if there is any errors, it will be logged in "error_log" file in your website root directory. Please ask developer to check and see if there is any errors logged while testing.

If you have any questions, let us know.

Thank you!

PHPVibe A.

alimehdipakTopic starter

Hosting Reply :
Hi Ali,

Thank you for waiting.

I have been monitoring the log and there is no such error logged till now. I have increased the session timeout value. Please verify and let us know if there is any improvement.

Thank you!

PHPVibe A.

You know, after all this could be a browser issue.
Did you test other device?

alimehdipakTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

It's not a problem of the script. Else I could have helped you.

What's on the server? Maybe there's an apache rule or something, which is blocking you out. mod_security is the most used, but not the only one, any firewall, etc....

alimehdipakTopic starter

because of this problem i am unable to upload video :(
because its logout whn uploading the video .


PHPVibe A.

I can help you with anything script related, look around, there are so many webmasters using it, and only you have this problem, doesn't this tell you anything?

Try other hosting, or mail us for a hosting account, at least you'll see for yourself.

alimehdipakTopic starter

now its working fine.

Hello Ali,

The server which hosts ivod.co was using memcached for storing PHP sessions. We have changed it to store session data in file system. Please let us know if you still experience the session logout problem.

Best Regards,
Lijeesh S D

PHPVibe A.

And now you know there was nothing we could have do about it :)

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