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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Big files don’t play

Started by Abraham,

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AbrahamTopic starter

Files over  300 mb do not play on the site. They are being converted, if enter directly through the link www.site.com/media/ 0b3d48e943366092ad4a5a6324ba4150.mp4 they are playing.   But in site always seen
This video is currently being processed. Please check in a few minutes.
What's the problem?

PHPVibe A.

Hi, videocron.php timeout.
Increse the max execution time, ffmpeg conversions are heavy and take time.

AbrahamTopic starter

//Run conversions
$crons = $db->get_results("select id,tmp_source,token from ".DB_PREFIX."videos where tmp_source != '' and source = '' limit 0,100000");
to limit 0,1000000 - but there are no changes.
Can you specify which parameter be increase or need  add videocron .php to server cron?
The videocron .php  path is   /home/admin/web/xxx.com/public_html/videocron.php
OS Centos 6.5

PHPVibe A.

AbrahamTopic starter

Only increase max_execution_time or increase and add to cron job?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Abraham on
Only increase max_execution_time or increase and add to cron job?

Do the cron job also.
But remove the shell_exec if you do the cron:

file lib/upload-ffmpeg.php

right after

//Needs converting
$db->query("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."videos (`date`,`pub`,`token`, `user_id`, `tmp_source`, `thumb`) VALUES (now(), '0','".$token."', '".user_id()."', '".$file."','uploads/processing.png')");

Remove this lines:

$binpath = get_option('binpath','/usr/bin/php5');
$command = $binpath." -f ".ABSPATH."/videocron.php";
exec( "$command > /dev/null &", $arrOutput );

AbrahamTopic starter

I did as you said, but again while uploading large files they are converting but don't play on the site. An error accures from CRON, in case of outting whitout /dev/null   this error appears.
video:4kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown
PHP Warning:  MySQL server has gone away in /home/admin/web/xxxx.com/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 249
PHP Warning:  MySQL server has gone away in /home/admin/web/xxx.com/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 249

or another
      encoder         : Lavc55.67.100 mjpeg
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (mpeg4 (native) -> mjpeg (mjpeg))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
frame=    1 fps=0.0 q=4.7 Lsize=N/A time=00:00:00.04 bitrate=N/A    
video:14kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown
PHP Warning:  MySQL server has gone away in /home/admin/web/xxx.xx/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 249
PHP Warning:  MySQL server has gone away in /home/admin/web/xxx.xx/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 249
PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/admin/web/xxx.xx/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 329
PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/admin/web/xxx.xx/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 329

PHPVibe A.

MySQL server has gone away in

This is the problem. The ffmpeg conversion puts down the system.
What hardware config you use?

AbrahamTopic starter

Intel® Core™ i7-4770
Quadcore Haswell,
2 x 240 GB SATA 6 Gb/s SSD
Nginx as front, with Apache for backend.
Panel - Vesta

PHPVibe A.

Then most probably it's an system optimization issue, since the hardware looks solid.
When converting a video file, have you checked your processes and load rate? From ssh or the panel...

AbrahamTopic starter

Ok. I have one configurations file

#innodb_use_native_aio = 0



PHPVibe A.

AbrahamTopic starter

max_allowed_packet = 128M fix it.

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