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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] branding removal

Started by pcemail,

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pcemailTopic starter

Hi, the branding removal tool does not work with phpvibe 4.0. Advise? Thanks.


Hey Mario/Alex,
Guys please solve this problem of branding removal ASAP.....Please.

PHPVibe A.

None of the plugins are updated, I will update this one today (have to check how the new branding is injected).


thank you for considering it, and i hope it will be done by today.... :D.

PHPVibe A.

Version for 4.0 is now in the pack.


sorry Alex, but the new branding removal,when activated,renders a blank page instead of the website. Do have a look at the problem.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: ASDF on
sorry Alex, but the new branding removal,when activated,renders a blank page instead of the website. Do have a look at the problem.

I've tested it on 6 websites. See where the error is on your side so you can help me. http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/how-to/(how-to)-debugging-phpvibe/




sorry Alex, but it still renders the blank page, to make sure i am not doing it wrong, i asked my host to do it for me, but comes the same answer.... :-\.

PHPVibe A.

Did you enable error reporting? Does it output any error on site and error logs?


no it does not show any kind of error, but just a blank page.

PHPVibe A.

That's really weird :)
Error log? Cpanel log? Anywhere?


No....not anywhere, and it even shows that the plugin has been enabled, in the admin panel....but when ever i enable it, it renders a blank page and when i disable it, the site comes to normal mode....

PHPVibe A.

Did you enable error printing on host and on PHPVibe?


Sorry bro...i am not much into coding...but earlier it used to give/ provide me the error details but not now, if possible can you tell me from where i can enable that.....i believe i can do that much.

PHPVibe A.

Did post you a link to how to enable error reporting.



i just made changes as per the above link and followed the two steps...but it too rendered the blank page, but when i only did the first change in error reporting....things went normal....any new suggestion?

PHPVibe A.

This is very confusing, the way you explain it.


In the link mentioned in the above message Mario asks us to follow 2 steps...on doing which the site renders blank page. But when we undo his second step, site comes to normal.

PHPVibe A.

The only thing you need to change is error_reporting from 0 to E_ALL


And that's what i have done...only.....now what?


Hey Alex,
in the how to.txt, it is written that after uploading it...the directory should look like...../plugins/copy/plugin.php.....but it's not showing anything like that, instead it shows..../plugins/plugins.php.....can you help me now?

PHPVibe A.

it sais you should upload it like that...
upload /copy to /plugins, 3 seconds job, no coding required.


Hey Alex,
can you please forward my problem to Mario anyhow, and today itself because i have asked my host and according to them,the problem is not from their end and also  i have tried the steps asked to follow in the how to.txt and also the problem is i don't think you guys will be able to provide support for next two days.So, please if possible forward my this particular problem to Mario.

Apart from this, if you want to look into my host account, then let me know, i will send you the required details.

PHPVibe A.

Mario is no longer a part of PHPVibe, he's only willing to help me with the jquery for this release, but he will not continue in this project personally.
Send me your ftp details by pm, I'll check.

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