[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Can't Turn My Site back "On"

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PHPClientTopic starter

I used the admin panel to turn my site "Off" (offline)

Now when I revisit the URL to access the admin panel, the URL doesn't load-up allowing me Admin Access

Attached is the error code I'm getting.

Please note that all I did was click the icon in Admin Panel to "Off" from "On"


PHPClientTopic starter


So I uploaded a missing file (offline.php) to the correct root directory( tpl/UltimaTube/offline.php) and now the site read, "Maintainence - Should Take A Few Minutes"

But I can't gain access to my: domain.com/moderator

Each time I visit this address in my browser, it bounces me back to the "Maintaince" page. 

How do I access my admin panel to turn the site back on?

Note to Mario: in the UltimaTube plug-in install, you are missing "offline.php" file.

PHPClientTopic starter

Anyone know which file in the root directory PHPVibe writes to when you click on "Live" and "Offline" in the admin panel?

Site turned-off and I can't figure out how to turn it back on.


PHPClientTopic starter


Marius P.

Hi! If you've searched the forum you would find at least 3 solutions including:

Quote from: @Mario on
Make a php file of your choice, for example on.php with this content

<?php  require_once("load.php");
update_option('site-offline', '0');

drop it in your root and execute it in browser (open www.yoursite.com/on.php)

Should switch it to on  ;D
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