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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Can't understand what's going on in Admin Panel Video Views

Started by PHPClient,

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PHPClientTopic starter

Hi Mario!

I recently installed Google Analytics since I noticed that my website was starting to get traffic via the "Video Views" portion of the Admin Panel.

I am noticing that in my Admin Panel, each time I refresh the screen, my counter for video views jumps 20-50 views every 30sec to 1 min, BUT my Google Analytics only show 1-2 people actively using the site and at times 0 active users with my "Video Views" still jumping 20-50 views per minute on the Admin Panel counter.

What's going on here?  Where is all this other traffic coming from and why don't I see it on Google Analytics and I also don't see the counters on the front page of the site logging significant increases in views for the most popular videos.

Could there be someone leeching off my site/bandwidth using some sneaky embed code to bypass my PHPVibe script?

I removed the ability to "Embed" via removing it from .css file and making it disappear, but I did not change it in the .php file.

Please let me know your thoughts on this since I am very concerned.  There are times where the counter will jump 100 views in less than one minute and go like this for 1/2 a hour.

Marius P.

Google bot or other crawlers also generate hits on PHPVibe that are not visible in Analytics.
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Currently i uploaded only one video in my website when i refreshed it in admin dashboard video increases on every refresh. This is the major issue it removed everything from sql and made empty and uploaded another new video and refreshed in dashboard it also increase itself.
Do you know how to fix this issue?

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