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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Can not upload video!!

Started by fourdeltaOne,

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fourdeltaOneTopic starter

Hello! faced with a problem. launched the site, there was a problem with downloading, I can not download the file with a volume greater than 5-6MB in the admin settings and php all this normal 2GB to download videos, restriction no.
After downloading videos from size 5mb above, click the save button again throws on adding video page mysite / add-video, while nothing is loaded on the site. (in all "media" folder is loaded, the site does not show)   :-[ :-[

Thanks in advance for your help!!

... / / Translated using Google.
Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

I can't make much of it, can you check "Unpublished videos" section in admin, maybe you have selected for videos to remain unpublished in settings.

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

admin  in settings, selected published video.
video a small size  uploaded  on the site.
but just when I load the video larger than 5-6MB not uploaded.
Skype: epic.mediauz

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

Upload folder: Media (chmod 777)
Uploaded video state: Published
Max upload size: 3145728000 Bytes

max_input_time 60000
upload_max_filesize: 30000M
max_execution_time: 30000
post_max_size: 30000M
Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

It should work, but depends if there is anything else blocking it on the server (modules, etc).
Do you use ffmpeg or mp4 upload?
Do you have mod_security or firewall?

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

i use ffmpeg  for upload,   upload video in mp4, flv, avi.
no use mod_security or firewall. they need?

problem due to the absence of these modules?
Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

No, no, those modules could have caused errors.
Have you tried the tester for ffmpeg http://www.phprevolution.com/requirements/ ? What does it output.


1. max_input_time and max_execution_time must have same value.
2. If your server run on su_php, folder permision must be 0755 and not 0777.

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

I already tried ffmpeg, everything works.

QuoteFile to convert: test.avi
Converted file: test.mp4
Command send to server: ffmpeg -i test.avi -vcodec libx264 -s 640x360 -threads 4 -movflags faststart test.mp4

max_input_time and max_execution_time  set the same value 30000.
server have not used  suPHP.
Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

What's in the error log?
You can also change




in the index.php file in root.

Look for an error log in root, in lib/ and also in cpanel.

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

tried to load the image and music with volume more than 5-6 mb, the same problem, just throws to the download page.
as I understand, problem in   the server, forgive, can see data on your server php.ini?
Skype: epic.mediauz

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

Skype: epic.mediauz

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

1 -

2 -

3 -
Skype: epic.mediauz



PHPVibe A.

Guys, easiest way it's to explain the problem to your hosting.
They know the limitations and what's on the server, and can change fast to allow large files uploads (that after they blame the script makers, so insist to them!).

I can see that the php.ini is ok, but if the server does not read it?
Or those sections are block from php.ini updating?
You will loose days and make a tone of stress over an setting tweak in the panel (this is what usually happens).

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

respected, the server belongs to me, i rent a channel for  server colocation.
his own master.  my server installed CentOS Linux 6.5. tell me how to configure the server, can be explained ?
Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

What mode do you run?
Is it cgi/fastcgi? That one has trouble with large files uploads, if so, you can switch it to dso see if the error goes away.
Note: I'm not an hosting expert, but I run my own servers.

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

Hello again! generally put the old version of the script phpVibe3.4. uploaded video  size above  5-6 mb  and even 200-400MB, all the videos being loaded properly.
I think the problem is not on the server, namely in the script.

Skype: epic.mediauz


Bonjours, j'ai changer de serveur, j'utilise ' Debian 7 + ispconfig3  ', les probléme d'accent on était corrigé, mais il y'a toujours la méme problème pour l'upload ...

PHPVibe A.

@fourdeltaOne there is no difference in the uploaders between 3.4 and 3.5, just small css changes which don't affect functionality.

PHPVibe A.

@nicolas I need an error to help out, I can't imagine what's going on there and what's your setup, the os and panel used have close to no involvement in this.

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

is not clear, then what can be wrong? may be configured incorrectly
config? Throw off your table `vibe_options` from the site database videoinedit.com
Skype: epic.mediauz

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

the error log earned

[Sun Apr 13 14:50:46 2014] [error]  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: range0 in /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/stream.php on line 78, referer: http://muvi.uz/video/5768/ojkifx8-m-mp4/
[Sun Apr 13 14:54:45 2014] [error]  PHP Warning:  MySQL server has gone away in /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 249, referer: http://muvi.uz/add-video
[Sun Apr 13 14:55:25 2014] [error]  PHP Warning:  Missing boundary in multipart/form-data POST data in Unknown on line 0, referer: http://muvi.uz/add-video
[Sun Apr 13 23:37:03 2014] [error]  PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Failed to connect to 2a00:1450:4010:c04::67: Network is unreachable' in /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/lib/google/openid.php:192\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/lib/google/openid.php(291): LightOpenID->request_curl('https://www.goo...', 'GET', Array)\n#1 /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/lib/google/openid.php(430): LightOpenID->request('https://www.goo...', 'GET')\n#2 /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/lib/google/openid.php(595): LightOpenID->discover('https://www.goo...')\n#3 /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/index.php(57): LightOpenID->authUrl()\n#4 {main}\n  thrown in /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/lib/google/openid.php on line 192, referer: http://muvi.uz/
Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

[Sun Apr 13 14:54:45 2014] [error]  PHP WarningMySQL server has gone away in /home/muvi/public_html/muvi.uz/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 249, referer: http://muvi.uz/add-video

This affects it, the mysql server overloads on insert.
There are different topics about this, bottom line you need to optimize the sql settings.

fourdeltaOneTopic starter

I optimized mysql but nothing happened.

about this log that say?

[error] PHP WarningMissing boundary in multipart/form-data POST data in Unknown on line 0, referer: http://www.muvi.uz/add-video

Skype: epic.mediauz


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