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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Change video player size ?

Started by Thomasboerre,

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ThomasboerreTopic starter


I was wondering if it is possible to change the width of the video player?
Because normal banners is 728* and not 640*

I have tried to change it from 640 to 728 (width) in configuration but that doesnt changes anything..

PHPVibe A.

Hi! The players are most of them adaptive/responsive. You will need to change the containing div(s) size to enlarge the player.

ThomasboerreTopic starter

Can you explain, which file i have to change it in? Its for the Jwplayer 6
I don't seem to be able to find the file.

PHPVibe A.

It's tpl/main/video.php divs around the $embedcode, you should change them from css

If you can't wait, look at videoinedit.com where we are running css changes...i think the size is 740px on large displays there.

ThomasboerreTopic starter

Okay so which Css file should i change (Im a bit new to all this)


PHPVibe A.

(look at our changes from videoinedit.com)

ThomasboerreTopic starter

Okay I'm not skilled to do this, is there any way i can pay you guys to do it?

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