[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Channel not in Homepage block

Started by tkirui,

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tkiruiTopic starter

I have one block on the home page with all the videos. I want to create a channel that will have videos that will not appear on the home block but only show the channel videos when clicked upon.

How can i create a channel and prevent these videos from coming on my one home page block?

Any advice anyone?

Marius P.

open tpl/main/home.php


$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and pub > 0 AND category != 'xxx' ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_offset($limit);

Replace xxx with your hidden category's id and this should be the new code:

$vq = "select ".$options.", ".DB_PREFIX."users.name as owner FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREFIX."users ON ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id = ".DB_PREFIX."users.id WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.views >= 0 and pub > 0 $c_add ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_offset($limit);
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