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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Posting links on FB

Started by ampstar,

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ampstarTopic starter

Hi i just noticed that when i post a link on facebook on the bottom of the picture it comes up as - BY PHPVIBE.COM / AMPSTARS.CO.UK . Is it possible/ ok to remove this and can any one tell me how if its ok that is. If not also cool. 

PHPVibe A.

Can you post a print screen? I cannot imagine that happen, unless you did not change the site's title...

ampstarTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

I don't see such stuff in your video page code. Check your facebook app (maybe you setup the title of the app like this?)

PHPVibe A.

I don't have Facebook anymore but Mario tested a share from your site, no such text showed up.

ampstarTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
I don't have Facebook anymore but Mario tested a share from your site, no such text showed up.

It only shows up when some one has comented on the post and you click the notification so the image is larger. Ive checked my settings in face book are all correct.
Is it possible that it might be pulling the information from tpl.globals.php? Maybe from the following

function meta_add(){
$meta = '<!doctype html>
<html prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns#">
<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US"> 
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<meta charset="UTF-8"> 
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,  height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
<base href="'.site_url().'" /> 
<meta name="description" content="'.seo_desc().'">
<meta name="generator" content="PHPVibe 3.3" />
<meta name="author" content="www.PHPVibe.com">
<link rel="canonical" href="'.canonical().'" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="'.get_option('site-logo-text').'" />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="'.Fb_Key.'">
<meta property="og:url" content="'.canonical().'" />


PHPVibe A.

I can't confirm this, another idea is that maybe it has some cache, fb has a strong cache, if you shared something when seo structure (titles) where different, it will stick to that for a while.

ampstarTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
I can't confirm this, another idea is that maybe it has some cache, fb has a strong cache, if you shared something when seo structure (titles) where different, it will stick to that for a while.

ok. i've changed the meta name "Author" because I think it might be getting the author and site name from the link posted. I'll wait some time to see if it changes. Alexander Im sure Mario is busy but if he gets some time could you get hes opinion on this please. thanks

PHPVibe A.

Bit impossible this days, he has a "SCI-FI" project on his hands for a client, not PHPVibe related.

ampstarTopic starter

Just confirming that changing
<meta name="author" content="www.phpVibe.com">
in tpl.globals.php
Did change the facebook link issue. It took some time but eventually worked.

PHPVibe A.

No, that was not your issue, if it took time it was just cache.
Facebook reads the open tags & app info only, has nothing to do with author tag.

ampstarTopic starter

but the description now reads exactly what i changed it to. so it must be it. right?

PHPVibe A.

If that was the issue, we would all have it.

ampstarTopic starter

Chill Im just saying this worked for me! Ill change it to something completely different and see if it changes again. If not then ill be back on here to eat my words. If it does tho prepare to eat words.

PHPVibe A.

:)) I will admit your facebook is different than mine and kill Zuckerberg! :))

PHPVibe A.

And about eating words, I don't need you to eat your words, just confirm I'm right.
Cause if not, a lot of people will remove that, which I don't mind, if most would not trigger an syntax error and then they will ask us for support :)

ampstarTopic starter

ok fair enough. Ill change it and get back to you when or if it changes.

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