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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] cheap Web hosting with ffmpeg support...

Started by ASDF,

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ASDFTopic starter

Anyone interested in cheap web hosting...as low as 47$/year..with genuine support(based on personal experience).Full ffmpeg support,ideal for a phpvibe based website.
contact me at emailus@figvideos.com.


viDeoikdrive_1M7N6D.gif" border="0
video.ikdrive.com - funbangla.com - you-tube.ga
video based cms hosting solutions and services
IKDRIVE - websystems



ASDFTopic starter

Right now i am using TMD hosting....i haven't used any other host...and why i haven't changed my host....it's their world class service and non stop support....max time for a ticket support=1-10 mins, but can vary on the requests they get, i was once answered in 15 mins, and they know a lot about phpvibe....actually i made them learn about it.......... :p :p :p.


Are you using VPS or shared hosting?

Quote from: ASDF on
Right now i am using TMD hosting....i haven't used any other host...and why i haven't changed my host....it's their world class service and non stop support....max time for a ticket support=1-10 mins, but can vary on the requests they get, i was once answered in 15 mins, and they know a lot about phpvibe....actually i made them learn about it.......... :p :p :p.

ASDFTopic starter

I use shared hosting..and there is no point of using vps or anything else, if you don't have a large no of views, say 50k per day, this is minimum for decent earning....and also google.....digitalocean.com, hosthero.com, hosthero.com...i don't know if digitalocean.com gives provides ffmpeg.

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