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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Configuration Pages Not Saving Anything

Started by manueltech,

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manueltechTopic starter

Hi my configuration pages are not saving anything at all. I reinstalled a lot of times, Chmod all to 777. My FTP is working fine, I have a VPS server, Disabled OP Cache and Memcached. Other pages in my server are working. I surrender, Any Idea?

PHPVibe A.

Hi, mod_security is on? Maybe that's killing your input.

You can enable on top of index.php the error_reporting, by changing it to


Is your server capable of serializing?

Try this inside index.php

$a = array("this","is","working");
$x = maybe_serialize($a);
echo $x;

This are my ideas for now, but please do reply with more info, so I can guide you.

manueltechTopic starter

Hi , i don't have mod_security installed on my server, this is the return of the array a:3:{i:0;s:4:"this";i:1;s:2:"is";i:2;s:7:"working";} on the sidebar, and is not showing any error using error_reporting(E_ALL); .I'm using right now centos 7( also tried with centos 6.5), NginX running PHP via FastCGI, php 5.6 - PHP-FPM with FastCGI, and maria db, i just installed the necessary modules only, ioncube, ffmpeg, i installed wordpress sites and they are working fine. This is my php configuration file http://bestvinevideos.com/phpinfo.php. I created a user, i didn't receive a registration confirmation but the user was written in the database.

PHPVibe A.

The registration thing is to be patched today or tomorrow.
The serialization works.
Isn't FastCGI giving you trouble with large files uploads? Just wondering, it made me white hairs.

You're up for another test?

Open lib/functions.php and find:

function update_option( $option_name, $newvalue ) {
//do_action( 'update_option', $option_name, $oldvalue, $newvalue );
$db->query( "UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."options SET `option_value` = '$_newvalue' WHERE `option_name` = '$option_name'" );

Right after add

So it should look like:
$db->query( "UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."options SET `option_value` = '$_newvalue' WHERE `option_name` = '$option_name'" );
if ( $db->rows_affected == 1 ) {

and bit under in:

function add_option( $name, $value = '' ) {

do this:

//do_action( 'add_option', $safe_name, $_value );
$db->query( "INSERT INTO  ".DB_PREFIX."options (`option_name`, `option_value`) VALUES ('$name', '$_value')" );

Try to update a setting in admin, take a printscreen and attach it to a reply.

Sorry, it's really hard to figure this out, since it doesn't happen around to others, or our tests.

PHPVibe A.

Btw, you have display_errors off in your server, so you're pretty much blind when it come to debugging.

manueltechTopic starter

Hi, this is the debug i received. Still not saving configuration.
ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..
Query [8] -- [UPDATE vibe_options SET `option_value` = '1434592637' WHERE `option_name` = 'lecheck']
Query Result..
No Results

PHPVibe A.

Gimme an ftp login to your site and the admin account by message please, so we save time.

manueltechTopic starter

Hi, I sent the login details to your PM. Thanks

PHPVibe A.

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