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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Ultimatube Video Players never respect Default video width

Started by TigerClaw,

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TigerClawTopic starter


I'm having problems with UltimaTube. Apart from Jwplayer no other player respects the Default video width I give.
If I open the page using a Full HD display for example the video will stretch wide as far as possible. Instead the default height setting will be respected.

Also Jwplayer doen't works at all in full screen. The video results zoomed in (you can see like 50% of the video on screen starting from the center). This is a common problem with the default theme.

Could you please help? Considering the results I'm getting Ultime Tube for me is useless. :(

Marius P.

This is something we are working on http://www.phpvibe.com/in-the-lab/
UltimaTube will be store credit refunded to all the clients since it will be pulled out.

None of the players will force to default width, because the idea is to have them responsive and keeping 16:9 ratio. But since this upgrade the responsive states will be better.
You can check the status here http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/phpvibe-announcements/phpvibe-4-0-ultra-is-'in-the-lab'/

For the jwplayer fullscreen, can you give me a link? I haven't seen this happening before.
Also, what browser, what OS, what flash player version please?
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TigerClawTopic starter

Thank you Mario for your answer even on sunday.

Mac Osx 10.9.5. Tried with Chrome, Firefox and Safari. NPAPI Plug-in version is installed.
I made some more tests and I discover It happens when you are using an external monitor and the resolution between the 2 is different. This problems doesn't happen with the other players.

I send you by private message the link and another question.

Marius P.

Not sure what to say, I've checked now the site and works quite fine for me. Asus monitor (1980x1080).
Unfortunately I don't have anything with IOS to test.
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