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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How to create a new blank page in version 3.6?

Started by hamnawa,

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hamnawaTopic starter

How can we create a new page blank page on the website to add some text and meta tag information.

PHPVibe A.

Use the pages function built-in. Or you need it to be fully built from scratch?

hamnawaTopic starter

I wold use that if I could customize the link structure at the moment it creates the link as example.com/read/page

I would like the link to be example.com/page without the category read.

PHPVibe A.

The you need to code it yourself.
index.php (component case)
- com/com_{your component}.php
- tpl/{your template}.php

hamnawaTopic starter

Isn't there any easy way to just remove /pages from the link.

PHPVibe A.

You can edit it from vibe_setts.php , but to remove it, I don't see any easy way.

hamnawaTopic starter

I did change read to .. as below:

define( 'page', '..' );

Now I am facing two issues first of all I get 404 error if I try to visit a created page.
Second how to get rid of the id from the ur after page name e.g example.com/page/4 to be example.com/page/


PHPVibe A.

There is no way man. I've told you you can't remove it, you can just change the name.

hamnawaTopic starter

But I while I changed read to .. the link structure showed in the Control Panel is according to my expectation.

It means it was example.com/page but clicking on it gives 404 anyway.

Second question how to get rid of id /1 /2 /3 etc from channels url is it possible?

PHPVibe A.

No, this is not Wordpress. It's 100% based on ids to locate elements.
It's normal to give 404, it's build to accept component/id/title or component/title/id (depends how that com is setup in the router file).

hamnawaTopic starter

OK Thanks for the info I asked these because I had all my urls without this id in version 2 or 3.1 I think which was possible then and have good ranking and indexed by all search engines.

Again about the page url as I said earlier changing read to whatever should work for the pages. I have it now like example.com/about/help/5 it shows it as it should in Moderator section but when I click it on it gives 404.

Now even I have this id at the end of the url it doesn't work it only works if I change it back to read the default. Is there any area where modification needed?

PHPVibe A.

Already told you in the previous post that you need to edit the router to change the id's positioning (lib/router.php). Add the rule under function token_id()

hamnawaTopic starter

After a lot of struggle i gave up to use the automated page creation.

Could you please guide me with creating my own you have advised above as below:

- index.php (component case)
- com/com_{your component}.php
- tpl/{your template}.php

I believe in index I need to add:

    case aboutus:
		$com_route = ABSPATH."/com/com_aboutus.php";		

Now my page only has some about page information where do i put that? in tpl_aboutus.php or com_aboutus.php?

What should be in other one if I would add my text in one of them?

PHPVibe A.

hamnawaTopic starter

I checked that I do not understand it. I am a beginner. Can I get instructions here?

hamnawaTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Quote from: hamnawa on
After a lot of struggle i gave up to use the automated page creation.

Could you please guide me with creating my own you have advised above as below:

- index.php (component case)
- com/com_{your component}.php
- tpl/{your template}.php

I believe in index I need to add:

    case aboutus:
		$com_route = ABSPATH."/com/com_aboutus.php";		

Now my page only has some about page information where do i put that? in tpl_aboutus.php or com_aboutus.php?

What should be in other one if I would add my text in one of them?

If aboutus is not defined you need to use:

    case "aboutus":
		$com_route = ABSPATH."/com/com_aboutus.php";		

// SEO Filters
function modify_title( $text ) {
 return 'My title';
function modify_content( $text ) {
global $error;
return 'My page text content with escaped \' for no error';

add_filter( 'phpvibe_title', 'modify_title' );
//Time for design

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