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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Dont Choose Arvixe Hosting For PHP Vibe

Started by demonguru18,

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demonguru18Topic starter

Hi Guys
I Have been with arvixe for almost a year now but it sucks. The have send me email stating you cannot upload linked content on my website. When I told them that I dont Host videos its just linked to other websites like youtube, dailymotion etc they dont care they dont want me to even link or embed videos that sucks. They say its copyright infringement.
secondly i have been having issues with OOPS Page not found and realized its a problem with their hosting.
As Mario has confirmed it Arvixe servers have that problem
Lastly they said me emails every day for server abuse as I am using more disk space. I thought my disk space was unlimited. I have Business class server ans as per their policy if the content on the website is related to your website it does not matter it should not be archived files it would be abuse. I used 290 gb of space ang got this problem had to delete many user videos.
Moral of the story- dont use their hosting. Its not unlimited diskpace and most importantly they dont allow linked content  >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D
I am fan of PHP Vibe

Marius P.

Would be more useful if is public, I think.
If you have any problem with this, just reply.
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demonguru18Topic starter

I am fan of PHP Vibe

Marius P.

I have an question, now that I've been contacted by them on the matter, I would like you to clear it for me:
Your linked content in the case, what was it? Was it porn, or what?
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You cant get unlimited diskspace on any shared hosting ,  its  all lies

* if you allow local upload , then u need to move to a VPS or dedicated server, shared host canthandle that , i used several shared host , none worked ,

i also used Arvixe and they kept sending me abuse  notice , they suspended my account  and asked meto move to VPS, and my site was jst less than a month.

now am using a Dedicated server , and i have no issue.

Quote from: demonguru18 on
Hi Guys
I Have been with arvixe for almost a year now but it sucks. The have send me email stating you cannot upload linked content on my website. When I told them that I dont Host videos its just linked to other websites like youtube, dailymotion etc they dont care they dont want me to even link or embed videos that sucks. They say its copyright infringement.
secondly i have been having issues with OOPS Page not found and realized its a problem with their hosting.
As Mario has confirmed it Arvixe servers have that problem
Lastly they said me emails every day for server abuse as I am using more disk space. I thought my disk space was unlimited. I have Business class server ans as per their policy if the content on the website is related to your website it does not matter it should not be archived files it would be abuse. I used 290 gb of space ang got this problem had to delete many user videos.
Moral of the story- dont use their hosting. Its not unlimited diskpace and most importantly they dont allow linked content  >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D >:D

demonguru18Topic starter

No not porn content its movies from youtube and other video sharing websites. Its not uploaded on my website. i just use embed codes but this guys still have a problem i already moved one of my website and had some work to do for all those files. secondly i receive this 404 page error every time on phpvibe script. so if you want to start an embed video website they are not a good hosting option. 
I am fan of PHP Vibe

demonguru18Topic starter

identicalmedia - Do you use arvixe for your PHPvibe hosting if yes let us know why do we get the 404 error everytime. and can you share the link of your website
I am fan of PHP Vibe

demonguru18Topic starter

When you chat with their sales rep they say its ok you can host with us but then you have problems
I am fan of PHP Vibe

Marius P.

The 404 is because Arvixe has mod_security on by default and when using an url in post mod_security triggers and kills the page.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Im still hosting with them for my site. initially I had problems with page not found errors but Mario has given the reason for that. Another issue I had was ffmeg version was old (I haven't checked recently) and they wouldn't update it but it was understandable as its a shared server. I basically only aloud mp4 uploads to my site with no conversions just extracting thumbs and youtube embeds and everthing works fine. Is it because of illeagal content that warnings are sent maybe?


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