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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Duplicates showing up

Started by Digipath14,

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Digipath14Topic starter


PHPVibe A.

Do you have unchecked the allow duplicates in the importer?

Digipath14Topic starter


Digipath14Topic starter

Also, when I looked in the edit scheduled tasks, it has "0" for a value for allowduplicates.

PHPVibe A.

I would recheck your cron times, don't run couple of crons in the same time, give them longer periods between them.

Digipath14Topic starter



Quote from: Alexander on
I would recheck your cron times, don't run couple of crons in the same time, give them longer periods between them.

I'm having the same issue Alexander. I have the Cron from cPanel every 1 hour.
At the Crons Management, all my Crons are in 86400.

Is the issue because I have it every 1 hour on cpanel or is because of the 86400 seconds in all the Crons in the Crons Management ?

Thanks for the support.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.

Hi, is because of the 86400 seconds


Quote from: Alexander on
Hi, is because of the 86400 seconds

Question:  1- I should use different amount of seconds for all the cron in PHPVibe Admin ?

Question: 2 - Can you send me a peace of code for the Cron, so that the Cron Pick an Auto Random Seconds for every cron Task a I add?

This will solve this issue instead of adding manually.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.

When added?

Open moderator/adm-functions.php

and find function
add_cron($args = array(), $title = null) {

below it

$db->query( "INSERT INTO  ".DB_PREFIX."crons (`cron_type`, `cron_name`, `cron_value`) VALUES ('$type','$name', '$value')" );

can be changed to
$period = rand(50000, 150000);
$db->query( "INSERT INTO  ".DB_PREFIX."crons (`cron_type`, `cron_name`, `cron_value`, `cron_period`) VALUES ('$type','$name', '$value', '$period')" );

Change the time on the rand() as you please http://php.net/manual/ro/function.rand.php



Thanks so much, it works very good.

I think phpvibe should have this random time in the next upgrade.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.

I think the whole process of adding crons should and will be changed.


Hello Alexander,

I have change the Cron Time for All Task. Today I saw some video got published 2 times, 3 times, even like 6 to 8 times in a road same video.

Also some videos got published with no Title.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.

We'll look into it on next upgrade, as I know the cron is set to be changed completely.

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