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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Error when moving hosting

Started by lwc5757,

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lwc5757Topic starter

Currently I switch from 1 hosting company to another company. However, there seem to have little problem there.
It appeared the following error on header of my website
Warning: mcrypt_decrypt(): The IV parameter must be as long as the blocksize in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 88
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 222

When I try to login, the following error appeared
Warning: session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 249
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/class.providers.php:1) in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 272
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/class.providers.php:1) in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.php o

I have tried to re-upload the error file but it seem that the issues is not fixed


Make sure that your hosting provider have all the required requirements:

I think first error is related to Ioncube loader make sure that your hosting provider have installed that.

Second error is related to if you edit functions file with notepad, instead download Notepad++ and use that to edit php files.

lwc5757Topic starter

My hosting company answered me that they have IonCube installed. I even tested with phpvibe tester and verify that ioncube is installed and detected

I have re-upload the error file such as
without editing anything(Including open it with notepad). So, I don't think it's problem. However, I need the exact problem that cause the issues.

PHPVibe A.

Clear browser cookies and login again, it will go away, it's with the old cookie encription the issue.

lwc5757Topic starter

It solve the first error but 2nd error during my login still appear
Warning: session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 249
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/class.providers.php:1) in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 272
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/class.providers.php:1) in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 21

PHPVibe A.

Remove session_regenerate_id() as it doesn't work on this new host.

/home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 249

lwc5757Topic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Remove session_regenerate_id() as it doesn't work on this new host.

/home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 249

How about this error?
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/class.providers.php:1) in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.user.php on line 272
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/class.providers.php:1) in /home/dotavi76/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 21

PHPVibe A.


phpvibe not work on any shared hosting. Needs some apache modules installed. Example mcrypt_decrypt. We moved several sites running on phpvibe.
when you have an error, just google search the error name and give you the desired result.

Warning: session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent in

PHPVibe A.

Alex, it does, there are thousends that have it on shared, that module should be standard on any hosting.


Quote from: Alexander on
Alex, it does, there are thousends that have it on shared, that module should be standard on any hosting.

I'm not saying it's the script bad, the provider. Many make minimal install to php and apache without any custom configuration. There are some extensions / modules that are not installed if you not check I.
I speak only from my experience. A server administrator should know what is needed when it sees an error.

lwc5757Topic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Alex, it does, there are thousends that have it on shared, that module should be standard on any hosting.

Quote from: AlexH on
I'm not saying it's the script bad, the provider. Many make minimal install to php and apache without any custom configuration. There are some extensions / modules that are not installed if you not check I.
I speak only from my experience. A server administrator should know what is needed when it sees an error.

I did not remove session_regenerate_id() on line 249. I google-ed the error and find a solution that adding ob_start(); after <?php and everything is fixed.

PHPVibe A.

I would have taken my advice :) But, as long as it works for you...


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