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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Error with video "View" permitions

Started by aralom,

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aralomTopic starter

i been uploading videos using "Add Remote Video" the remote video folder is inside the same server, when use the wizard i check options:
Just for registered users > Yes for both options.
When i see the video without been register i can see it, im going to edit -using admin account- the video and the visibility is not been checked i check again "Just for registered users > Yes" but now the video is not showing just appear a message "The video is been processed" but nothing happens, 8 hours after and is the same.

Any help?

PHPVibe A.

I'll check it soon, maybe it's a problem.
Is this an upgrade or fresh install?

aralomTopic starter

hello alexander is a Fresh install, i been testing this issue is the same problem.
Actually i have 400 videos that are public  :-\

Any advice?


PHPVibe A.

Just runned a test, it comes out fine.
Make sure the video is not initially public, if it was just clear cache from admin.
All the site pages are cached as static for guests.

aralomTopic starter

When i upload is not not initially public, after finish im going to check i can see it and play as guess and is public, go to video and edit the visibility because is public, i check again as private but the video show a message "the video is been process" when i play with a register user, with guess account show the video is not public.

The issue I see is that had already marked as private in both options and automatically returns to remove the mark, I'll edit the video and put it private and not return to play again as a registered user.

PHPVibe A.

Private means only registered users can see it. So users should see it with no problem. Is this what confuses you?

aralomTopic starter

Alexander, I need you help; when i change from Public at Private the video is not been playing anymore (previously the change the video is been playing) even if i  logged just show a message: "This video is being processed".

Any Advice?

PHPVibe A.

This two are not in any way connected, so it's weird to figure out. What's your url?

aralomTopic starter

Hello Alexander.
Are there any way for to check the data base or made a update without lose the upload contents?


PHPVibe A.

Quote from: aralom on
Hello Alexander.
Are there any way for to check the data base or made a update without lose the upload contents?


You can use phpmyadmin to export the data (not the structure, just the data).
Then reinstall phpvibe and then in the database again, via phpmyadmin import the data back.

aralomTopic starter

Hello Alexander im really need to fix this problem, how much for freelance for to fix this error?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: aralom on
Hello Alexander im really need to fix this problem, how much for freelance for to fix this error?

No freelance, but I can do it for free if you send me the cpanel details by pm.


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