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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] FFmpeg

Started by shiv12,

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shiv12Topic starter

whenever i upload the .avi file it did not got convertd and whenever i upload .mp4 video the player shows an error that the 'File could not be Played'....I had already installed the ffmpeg..

please help me to solve this problem.

PHPVibe A.

They are like 20 threads about ffmpeg here in the forum.

Have you used the tester for ffmpeg http://www.phprevolution.com/requirements/ ? What does it say?
What version of ffmpeg you have?

shiv12Topic starter

Okay i had configure the right command ffmpeg -h.

But what about the error i am getting whenever i play video..
The message says that the file could not be played.

PHPVibe A.

What's your encoding command at the moment? Is the .mp4 file there or missing?

shiv12Topic starter

I don't know about that....But if u need i can give u the details of the admin panel so that u can check the problem.

PHPVibe A.

There's nothing I can do from the admin panel.
You need to know your ffmpeg version and in the admin just setup the ffmpeg command and bin path.
If the ffmpeg is old, PHPVibe's default command won't work, since it's build for new versions, see step 5 http://www.phprevolution.com/installing-phpvibe/

To debugg a bit your ffmpeg, you can use the tester, or give me the link to it once uploaded so I can see.

shiv12Topic starter

yes i had configured the right command that is ffmpeg -h.

PHPVibe A.

fffmpeg -h is not the ffmpeg command. In your case I guess the command is ffmpeg (in plain, no -h).
The tester will tell you all this.

shiv12Topic starter

Here is the tester Please check it and i had upload the test.avi in the same folder.


PHPVibe A.

PHPVibe A.

What's the ffmpeg version?

shiv12Topic starter


PHPVibe A.

Can you modify this line in the tester(ff.php) so i can see what ffmpeg outputs to

$final = 'test';


$final = 'test'.uniqid();

Cause I just get file already exists.

shiv12Topic starter

Okay ...i had modified the line u can check it now.

PHPVibe A.

Did you try modifying

$output ="{ffmpeg-cmd} -i {input} -vcodec libx264 -s {ffmpeg-vsize} -threads 4 -movflags faststart {output}.mp4";


$output ="{ffmpeg-cmd} -i {input} -vcodec libx264 -s {ffmpeg-vsize} -threads 4 {output}.mp4 2>&1";

in the same file?

It's weird that ffmpeg says all is good but the video doesn't convert.

shiv12Topic starter

yes i tried but i got the same problem again.....The .mp4 files created throught the tester is 0 bytes.

PHPVibe A.

Do any ffmpeg commands work?

Can you paste an ssh output of your ffmpeg setup?

which ffmpeg

so I can see which what it's compiled.

shiv12Topic starter


PHPVibe A.

Then that's your ffmpeg command.

Run to get the list of the setup and paste it here.

ffmpeg - i


/usr/bin/ffmpeg - i

shiv12Topic starter


PHPVibe A.

Leave the script for now, work with the tester.
Edit it in there.
The script doesn't output any ffmpeg related errors, the tester does.

shiv12Topic starter

Are u sure that its ffmpeg's problem that the player is not working.

PHPVibe A.


If you remove the hide path from the player's config you can test better, but for now the mp4 doesn't work even without the player.

PHPVibe A.

shiv12Topic starter

Now its 3.5.....First is used 3.6 but it gives me the same problem.


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