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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] 404 Upon Login

Started by TheBritain,

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TheBritainTopic starter

I haven't modified the login code, and I will get you more info as soon as they get my VPS rebooted, but upon trying to login the server 404s and then my VPS shortly freezes up after.


PHPVibe A.

Is the VPS freezing or your page in browser?
Did you apply this to reduce load http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/just-installed-and-20-cron-jobs/msg16798/#msg16798 ?

Did you check to see if you have any pages generating load so I can figure out what's going on?

TheBritainTopic starter

Hey there, I applied that fix on day one. I was watching my processes and tried to open the page. Upon opening, nothing odd showed up in my VPS logs, and now my VPS has frozen again. I am going to try and start it from scratch again.

TheBritainTopic starter

Alright, so it wasn't my VPS freezing, I was being blocked. Here is a message from my AWESOME host. Seriously, I recommend asmallorange, they have been very patient throughout this whole thing.

You were blocked in the firewall because of triggering mod security rules when you visited your site.  You are no longer blocked but if you visit the site again, you might be.  Modsec is pretty paranoid in general, so I went into the account to see what's causing this.  It seems that modsec though you had invalid cookies.  Does your site set cookies?  I also see a lot of base64 encoded images.  Since they're images, they're probably not malicious, but base64 encoded items often are, so that might trigger some warnings too.

If you like, we can disable mod security on that site.  Please let me know, and let me know if you get blocked again too.

Should I just go ahead and have them disable it, and then compensate codewise?

TheBritainTopic starter

Update, they installed a supervision mod to allow me to see what exactely was tripping the firewall. This was modsec rule I was firing: 960015

PHPVibe A.

That rule even blocks Google Bot :)
We did state in the requirements than mod_security causes a lot of issues.

I don't use it, never have, but there is a lot of info on the web


TheBritainTopic starter

I went ahead and got on chat with my webhost, and tried to fire as many warnings as possible. I have everything that PHPVibe fires, white listed now. Things seem to be running smoothly.

PHPVibe A.

Cool! Glad it all got sorted out.


Hi, have same problem... I always get 404 error after login... can please help with this issue. It's really important.

Thank you.
Web Development Services

PHPVibe A.

Hi, have you read up? It's because of mod_security, ask you hosting to whitelist your links, or close mod_security for your account.

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