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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] FlyEmbedder Embed your videos as fast as a plane

Started by kingofseo,

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kingofseoTopic starter

Hello phpvibe Community,

Today i'm happy that i've finished developing brand new product FlyEmbedder it's a different plugin than my previous plugin AllOneEmbedder.
You upload only three files to your server and you can add any videos from any embed site and no knowledge is required to use our product it's very easy and fast and it'll updated always and more functionality will come currently FlyEmbedder is supporting embedding from 6 sites Youtube,Dailymotion,Vimeo,Metacafe,Break and one turkish embedder our goal is to have at least 40 embedders and we're working on it.
All Clients who already have purchased AllOneEmbedder will able to use FlyEmbedder for his 5 sites any upgrade unlimited sites can be done anytime you pay only once and and no monthly fees are required to continue using FlyEmbedder.

Note : Who already bought AllOneEmbedder can contact me so i'll open an account and he/she can start to use FlyEmbedder.

Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.





kingofseoTopic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
From where it can be purchased?
Quote from: ali215215 on
can this work in phpvibe

Pm has been sent yes it's currently works only with phpVibe.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

kingofseoTopic starter

New Feature has been added today.Clients can select select user & category for all videos so they don't have to select everytime manual.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

kingofseoTopic starter

Suggestions are accepted will change the design soon as well.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.


Can you take how using movie of this embedder ?
And make a website for this embbedder too.
I search more about your embedder on the internet but a few things i can be find.

I think you must add a cronjob like phpvibe. And it can be taking videos from youtube playlist, can you add this ?


kingofseoTopic starter

Quote from: khanowner on
Can you take how using movie of this embedder ?
And make a website for this embbedder too.
I search more about your embedder on the internet but a few things i can be find.

I think you must add a cronjob like phpvibe. And it can be taking videos from youtube playlist, can you add this ?



I'll improve FlyEmbedder and you can tell me the names of the movie sites that you want.
You can search as well in channels in youtube and add these.
FlyEmbedder has already a site i just have to make Landing Page.

Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

kingofseoTopic starter

As of Today i've made some changes on FlyEmbedder.

- I've added ticket system so clients can submit tickets and we can talk it's like an conversion.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

kingofseoTopic starter

FlyEmbedder has been complete redesigned and supports now retina.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.



kingofseoTopic starter

Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.



kingofseoTopic starter

Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

kingofseoTopic starter

FlyEmbedder has now the most requested feature Import All (Bulk Video Embedding) now you're able to import all videos per page.
- Also i decided to sell FlyEmbedder to the half price instead of Free for AllOneEmbedder purchasers.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

kingofseoTopic starter

Suggester is now available and supports different languages.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

kingofseoTopic starter

Today we're happy to announce that flyEmbedder has now been improved and it's even better than before.It's working now much better than and much faster.Here's a small list what we did already do with flyembedder.

- We've upgraded our api to Youtube API v3 since youtube api v2 has been deprecated.
- We've added many new embedders to our system including other than just english.
- We've added new feature the most wandest cronjob clients can submit now cronjobs.
- We've have now 12 embedders and we're growing up.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.



kingofseoTopic starter

Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.


I'm looking to purchase as well. I sent you a PM but have not received a response yet.

kingofseoTopic starter

Quote from: ahmadh456 on
I'm looking to purchase as well. I sent you a PM but have not received a response yet.


Sorry for the delay i'm in the holiday i've respond to your pm.

Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

kingofseoTopic starter

By the way flyEmbedder v2 will come and will be a complete rewrite with spinner.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.



Kindly send me a demo url.

This plugin will be able to embbed videos from this site afdah.tv?



kingofseoTopic starter

Quote from: julsg on

Kindly send me a demo url.

This plugin will be able to embbed videos from this site afdah.tv?




You can search Videos currently from 8 different Video sites.Afdah.TV is currently not supported.

Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

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