[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] for best SEO plz add thay

Started by abdullahwu,

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abdullahwuTopic starter

i add some tags in any video
but it dosent show in source of page with meta
the page has just meta title + meta description the 3rd must with them the meta keywords (tags what i add)

and the script must has main page has every tags to get best keyword of google

and the script is awesome really its my weapon now
i Promise  u am with ur php be hero from zero
just wait me by my site (clipss.tv)


PHPVibe A.

Hi, not really getting your message, but I think you look for this http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/how-to/meta-tags/msg18605/#msg18605
Btw, Google has dropped keywords meta tag a few years back.

abdullahwuTopic starter

yes it is same and i need it please and need page auto added all  new keyword with old keyword
keyword =tags

PHPVibe A.


but that topic explains how to do it. Not sure what else you need?

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