[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Password Recovery

Started by liamgibbins,

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liamgibbinsTopic starter

After trying to login to the website to update my installation (as V4 was included with the purchase) i can not login and when I try to recover the password it does not send an email to me even tho I get newsletters to the same address...

Can someone help please..


liamgibbinsTopic starter

I should mention that when I submit the password recovery it gives this:

We have sent you an email containing your new password..
Please check also the spam folder, and make sure you can receive e-mails from the address e@phpvibe.com

so it should be working but is not

liamgibbinsTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Hi! Did the mail come late? Sometimes depending on your mail's hoster it takes some time.

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