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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Getting multiple files when uploading only one

Started by anokana,

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anokanaTopic starter

Hello, Mario!
I get videos uploaded and converted properly by ffmpeg, but when I am uploading only one file, I have  more then 5000 duplicate files in the list in Video Manager of Admin Panel (and the same in ..._Videos table of the database)!
What is the problem?

Marius P.

Hi! I assume is an shell_exec issue with triggering videocron.php, try this:

Quote from: Alexander on
You could try this solution I've shared on 23 February.

//Needs converting
$db->query("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."videos (`date`,`pub`,`token`, `user_id`, `tmp_source`, `thumb`) VALUES (now(), '0','".$token."', '".user_id()."', '".$file."','uploads/processing.png')");
$binpath = get_option('binpath','/usr/bin/php5');
$command = $binpath." -f ".ABSPATH."/videocron.php";
exec( "$command > /dev/null &", $arrOutput );

changed to

//Needs converting
$db->query("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."videos (`date`,`pub`,`token`, `user_id`, `tmp_source`, `thumb`) VALUES (now(), '0','".$token."', '".user_id()."', '".$file."','uploads/processing.png')");

and videocron.php added as a cpanel cron (else, no conversion).

This has happen before, but it's 2-3 people out of thousands, can't say it's an error to fix.
Mostly an shel_exec conflict on server.

Let me know the outcome.
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anokanaTopic starter

Hey, Mario,
I solved the problem by replacing the line

$command = $binpath." -f ".ABSPATH."/videocron.php";

$command = $binpath."-cli -f ".ABSPATH."/videocron.php";

This runs the script only one time

Marius P.

Thanks for reporting, I will check how safe is that -cli.
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