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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Happy Easter everybody! Also, we're changing the marketing for PHPVibe

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

The PHPVibe pricing schema will change from:

79 euro initial purchase  / 6 domains (keys) / 9 euro extra license / Free rebranding permission

55 euro initial purchase  / 2 domains (keys) / 22 euro extra license / Free rebranding only with the plugin

This is entirely my decision and it's not debatable. I believe this will benefit some and piss others, it's normal!
I know Mario wanted an 107 euro pricing, but I assume that would kill the sales and won't benefit anybody!

I'm not sure if Easter is celebrated the same everywhere, but in our country is a big deal.
Since Mario cleared us since tomorrow, we'll be offline/on holiday till around 14th ( next week).

Happy Easter to you all and see you guys shortly after!


Will this affect the number of licences you have if you have already purchased the script?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ClashCorp on
Will this affect the number of licences you have if you have already purchased the script?

No, only for future clients. What you've brought won't change in any way.

Marius P.

Quote from: Alexander on
The PHPVibe pricing schema will change from:

79 euro initial purchase  / 6 domains (keys) / 9 euro extra license / Free rebranding permission

55 euro initial purchase  / 2 domains (keys) / 22 euro extra license / Free rebranding only with the plugin

Alex, for most you've made it pricier. Since an average client uses 4 domains -> the new price is 99 euro.
Hope this works for the sales!

Happy Easter everybody!
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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
Alex, for most you've made it pricier. Since an average client uses 4 domains -> the new price is 99 euro.
Hope this works for the sales!

Thank you, Happy Easter as well!
This is the plan :)

Marius P.

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
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