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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Help needed with AD units ,

Started by mmahtabsaleem,

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i placed ads on player,but full screen player ads not showing up,only showing small palyer only,how to fix this issue?



please check this sample scrnsots

PHPVibe A.

You are right, videojs changes stage and doesn't take ads with it in fullscreen mode.
Any reason you've picked videojs over jplayer?
We'll ask them for help, but with the Easter coming, may take a week or more.


i picked videojs also cause it seems to load the videos faster. Also Jplayer doesnt load the poster image.


what player can show full mode ads?can i put full mode ads?

PHPVibe A.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: wetvibes on
i picked videojs also cause it seems to load the videos faster. Also Jplayer doesnt load the poster image.

I don't think jplayer works with poster image, it simply embed the video directly.


i was tried ,i need to change embed player size without scroll bar?how to edit embed php?

PHPVibe A.


Quote from: Alexander on
You are right, videojs changes stage and doesn't take ads with it in fullscreen mode.
Any reason you've picked videojs over jplayer?
We'll ask them for help, but with the Easter coming, may take a week or more.

Quote from: Alexander on
You are right, videojs changes stage and doesn't take ads with it in fullscreen mode.
Any reason you've picked videojs over jplayer?
We'll ask them for help, but with the Easter coming, may take a week or more.

Hello Alexander

My client is facing this issue with VideoJS, video overlay ads works
fine but not in fullscreen.

For video website is this feature very important in order to make little money.
Please help and provide a fix.

Thank You very much,

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