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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Homepage Block (Show category and category's subcategories videos in a block)

Started by khanowner,

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khanownerTopic starter

Hi Mario and everyone,

My question is simple but i think solve is more complicated.
All homepage blocks show only a category's videos. But I want, when I have added a main category block to homepage (and this main category has one more subcategory), i want to see main category's videos and its' subcategory videos. For example main category block is animals and subcategory for animals are flying animals and walking animals.

- Flying Animals
- Walking Animals

I have no videos under the animals main category but I have videos in flying animals and walking animals subcategories.

So now If I have added a homepage block with seleceted Animals main category, I have seen no videos found in this category.

But I want this blocks to show me Flying Animals and Walking Animals videos.

What must I do for this ? Is there anyway to select multiple category for one block or anyway to show main category and subcategories' videos together in a block ?

Thanks for your helps.

PHPVibe A.

Hi, here you go:

open tpl/{your theme}/home.php and find this line:

if(!empty($box->ident)){ $c_add .="AND category = '".intval($box->ident)."'"; }

Replace it with

if(!empty($box->ident)){ $c_add .="AND category in (select cat_id from ".DB_PREFIX."channels where cat_id='".intval($box->ident)."' or child_of = '".intval($box->ident)."') "; }

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