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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How 2 ? Only registred users can watch Videos ?

Started by ipeci,

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ipeciTopic starter

How i can make it , only registred users can watch video´s ?
Plz Help.


PHPVibe A.


if(is_user()) {
//user is logged 
if(!is_user()) {
// is guest

ipeciTopic starter

Wow thank you Alex for a quick reply .

I just ned to know were i ned to modifly that code ? wich folder in the script?


PHPVibe A.

I guess that depends from you, I would go wrap it around the embed in tpl/main/video.php

ipeciTopic starter

Thank You
The problem is , i dont wont to make all videos , just some videos i chose ?


PHPVibe A.

You can bundle it with featured option.

On video page

if(is_user() && ($video->featured > 0)) {
//user is logged and video is featured

ipeciTopic starter

thank you for your help .

i have make a video as futured and puted the code on line18 to /video.php and tryed !?!
but is not work for me ? :-\

best thank.

PHPVibe A.


<?php echo $embedvideo; ?>


if( $video->featured > 0) {
if(is_user()) {
echo $embedvideo;
} else {
echo _lang("Please login to see this video.");


} else {

echo $embedvideo;


PHPVibe A.

I was giving you coding tips, you should have said you don't know how to use them :)

ipeciTopic starter

Wow Cool now its working ....

Thank you Thank you Thank you Alexander   :-* :-* :-*

Best Regards

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