
[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] extra licences

Started by marius20foc,

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marius20focTopic starter

I would like to extend my phpvibe licenses...
How much are 3 extra licenses?



QuoteNeed even more license keys? Price is 10 € / extra key

marius20focTopic starter

Ya' ... I now that link ;D
Thought I get myself a promo code or something for bulk order 8)

It doesn't hurt to ask ::)

PHPVibe A.

We had to make price higher since some have gotten pretty good at selling licenses :)
This is the type of question for e-mail (Natali) and ollipaust's answer is the exact type of answer for a forum ;)

marius20focTopic starter

I'm sure that 10E for a functional website is a lot cheaper than current 70E for the whole CMS.
I can provide proof that the domains/hosting wich will use phpvibe are mine solely  :)

Is the contact form at http://www.phprevolution.com/contact-us/ working? I've used it for my enquiry but noone answered(yet)

PHPVibe A.

It works, just it has about 400 tickets to go.

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