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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How do I duplicate the channels page?

Started by wilyjose,

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wilyjoseTopic starter

I am trying to build a page where I will list all images so tried  to duplicate the videos page but i was not successful

Please guide me


Marius P.

You should alter the query to search for localimage% , but please show me what you are doing so I can help.
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wilyjoseTopic starter

Hello Mario

Here is my website http://nazidi.com/

I am trying to make a seperate page for pictures ( Page that image categories and 5 images in each category )  Just like the channels page

To create the page, I have copied com_videolist.php   and created new file com_pictures.php.   Then I have copied videolist.php   in template folder to pictures.php

Then in com_pictures.php  I have edited this   include_once(TPL.'/pictures.php');

In vibe_setts.php  I have added this   define( 'pictures', 'pictures' );

Please let me know how it should be done



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