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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How do I get: Facebook User Emails

Started by megaman79,

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megaman79Topic starter

Hello PHPvibe,

I would like to know, How do I make PHPVibe Facebook Registration to get the User email that they used to make their Facebook account in to my database. I a ready setup my Facebook APP and is Live and Public. I test it with my account but didn't not insert the email.

Now I need the Facebook Registration to get the Emails.

Thanks for the support,
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.

It does that by default...unless Fb changed anything.
But my database it's full with Fb mails..

megaman79Topic starter

Not sure what is wrong with my site. My Facebook app is live and public, but I do get a Red Icon alert
on Facebook graph when I try to register with Facebook. Not sure if that the issue. Inside the app it say it should get email, but is not getting the emails.

I need to send my App to Approve by Facebook Dept?
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.

Haven't checked in the last year, I saw they did some updates, but not sure, maybe read on their forum is a better idea.

megaman79Topic starter

Hello Alexander,

I'm still don't find a way to get Facebook User Email. I only get the Name and the About Information, but not the email.

"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.

megaman79Topic starter

I can't find a solution for this issue Alexander.

See screenshot of my Facebook App and User Registration.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

Marius P.

Didn't facebook remove the need to have a mail? I know you choose between mail and phone (or did that change again?), for some I don't get mails, but I've assumed they don't have any in the account.
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megaman79Topic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
Didn't facebook remove the need to have a mail? I know you choose between mail and phone (or did that change again?), for some I don't get mails, but I've assumed they don't have any in the account.

Hello Mario,

I have a primary email, and still don't show up my email when I log in with my facebook.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.

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