[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How to add categories???

Started by RumbaGumba,

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RumbaGumbaTopic starter

Can you tell me exactly what to ask them because I don't understand in details many of the things you tell me

PHPVibe A.

Your server overloads, and sql server gets blocked (mostly on running any ffmpeg command).
Thus the error "MySql has gone away from server".
Because of this no sql inserts and queries are not possible, this is why videos just disappear or do not return a "Created message".
There is an lib/error_log full of proof that mysql fails (it's a full log of fails).

Is this better?

Marius P.

The server itself seems robust, but depends in how many vps machines is split.
Probably a vps optimization and intensive sql optimization should do it.
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RumbaGumbaTopic starter

Will tell the support about that. If no change I will try to install it on my other server. If I can not make it work there too I am done :-\ You were very helpful so far. Thanks guys

Marius P.

How much ram do you have available? It's weird it gets so much load from a simple upload, ffmpeg is heavy for everybody, but taking processor to 300%+ is really bad.

By monitoring your load in whm, I've noticed lol2... makes some load with index.php file, rest of your websites seem really light.

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RumbaGumbaTopic starter


Marius P.

Quote from: RumbaGumba on
I have 4GB of memory

Honestly, I have 2gb on my dedicated and works a lot faster.
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RumbaGumbaTopic starter

Hey guys, will try a couple of other things, meanwhile can you suggest a server that you are sure will do the job and I will not have problems with the script

RumbaGumbaTopic starter

Something less expensive only to put the phpvibe there

PHPVibe A.

You don't really need a server to run PHPVibe, most clients use shared hostings (but I guess most use it for youtube videos mainly).

I would recommend:

Apache/2.2.25 running on DSO
PHP Version 5.4.21
NO mod_security
Built with ioncube, mbstring, iconv, curl, json
safe_mode off
and the rest from here http://www.phprevolution.com/requirements/

Edt: I can send you a footprint/phpinfo of our setup from this server, would that help you?

RumbaGumbaTopic starter


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