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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How To Add Video As JPlayer Preroll

Started by lowpage,

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lowpageTopic starter

Can you please tell me how to add preroll video...like a 6 second clip video as preroll ad....Thanks a bunch

Marius P.

Hi, but jplayer only supports js/html/iframe ads, not VAST/VPAID ads (like video pre/post-rolls)
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lowpageTopic starter

oh ok thank you...any suggestions on how t make this possible?

Marius P.

You can do it with jwplayer (paid ads edition) or flowplayer (they have an paid VAST plugin).
I'm looking onto video.js again, which now has an VAST/VPAID ads plugin for free.
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Me to pleas i need to setup it . could you help me pleas . i need video.js

Marius P.

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great news  , don't forget to let the developer to add the plugin for vast/vpaid for mobile , as there is one  plugins do that .  as some devloiper forget and only add the vast/vpaid tag onl for web . this advis to you my friend , and i am happy  for your new upgrade it solve finaly alot of issue s

when it will be ready to update my friend ?

Marius P.

I'm not sure what you talk about, we don't develop players.
We'll integrate this in the cms http://theonion.github.io/videojs-vast-plugin/
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Good i tested the plugin in html5 and web , and it is work great .

Thanks Sir

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