[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] my Developer completed Video sitemap

Started by alimehdipak,

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alimehdipakTopic starter


Marius P.

As format seems ok, the only problem is the load time. Maybe cache it?
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alimehdipakTopic starter

I think Speed Time because of To retrieve Information from database.

Marius P.

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alimehdipakTopic starter

thanks for info , I will forward this message to My Developer


Marius P.

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alimehdipakTopic starter

i tried sir , but cant Even find $db ,

Can u please do it for me ?
i will give u ftp access.

Marius P.

I guess he coded it with an sql query then (not the PHPVibe database class).
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alimehdipakTopic starter

i tried to send u code of Video sitemap and Ftp login detials but its say : User '@Mario' has blocked your personal message.

Marius P.

Mate, I'm not part of support, just filling in till we get somebody else.
Me loosing time = upgrades are delayed, so I don't do custom changes.
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Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

alimehdipakTopic starter

ok Brother :)
take your time
Sorry for Disturbing you
Wish you all the best

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