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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Add a download button for stored videos to logged in users

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

Step 1: in lib/class.providers.php change :

private function getVideoId($operand, $optionaOperand = null)


public function getVideoId($operand, $optionaOperand = null)

Then place in tpl/main/video.php the following code:
<?php if(is_user() && $vid->VideoProvider() == "localfile") { 
$vpath = $vid->getVideoId("localfile/").'@@'.get_option('mediafolder');
$download_link        = site_url() . 'stream.php?file=' . base64_encode(base64_encode($vpath));                  

<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $download_link; ?>"> Download[/url]

<?php } ?>

This will redirect the user to the hidden path file, for video it force downloads the video, for mp3 it has on click right the "Save video as" option on the generated html5 browser player.
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Marius P.Topic starter

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!



PHPVibe A.


Hi Alex,

Can we do it easier when downloading a MP3 file, that not to rename the file from stream.php to  file.mp3 manually? instead download the file.mp3 directly OR rename it automatically.

PHPVibe A.

You can do

$vpath = get_option('mediafolder').'/'.$vid->getVideoId("localfile/");
$download_link        = site_url() .$vpath;   



PHPVibe A.



PHPVibe A.


Please re-enter the correct code? Add a download button for stored videos to everyone
I was confused what should I do?
Warm respect


Please re-enter the correct code? Add a download button for stored videos to everyone
I was confused what should I do?
Warm respect

PHPVibe A.

It should work, just do an

echo $download_link


echo '<a href="'.$download_link.'">Text for download link</a>';

Depends where you want to add it...I can't give you an ultra global solution.

You know any coding?


i mean the correct code replace under code : (because when download stream.php downloaded)

<?php if(is_user() && $vid->VideoProvider() == "localfile") {
$vpath = $vid->getVideoId("localfile/").'@@'.get_option('mediafolder');
$download_link        = site_url() . 'stream.php?file=' . base64_encode(base64_encode($vpath));                 

<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $download_link; ?>"> Download[/url]

<?php } ?>

PHPVibe A.

Well, it does that to protect the link, you have to rename it to something .mp4 :)

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