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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] how to change the loading next?

Started by YehudaBitton,

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YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
He means you have an 4% margin on left and right and he showed you the code line :)
Thanks I fix the first problem but I mean to this problem http://www.thenextstar.co.il/video/5/dfdevfd/ the white on the left you can see it on mobile device.

PHPVibe A.

I don't see any white gap on my devices...Printscreen?

YehudaBittonTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

You refer to the top header? You can't hide that :)

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
You refer to the top header? You can't hide that :)
No I mean to the white at the left side see that the problem is with the share link box there is too big how do I resize it?

PHPVibe A.

You've shifted the wrapper.

Try this:
@media only screen and (max-width: 617px) {
#wrapper {

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
You've shifted the wrapper.

Try this:
@media only screen and (max-width: 617px) {
#wrapper {

thanks for you! but in which file and in which line to put it?

PHPVibe A.

Any css file, for example very end of responsive.css

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Any css file, for example very end of responsive.css
Hey I'm try this and this is not fix that problem :(

PHPVibe A.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Now the div is fine for me..
I sill have this problem as I see I just need to resize the 3 box of the share link and the 480x360 and 640x480 how to do that?

PHPVibe A.

.video-share , .video-share input{

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
.video-share , .video-share input{

Wow really thanks this is fix my problem and how do I fix this the up line and add the menu to there?

YehudaBittonTopic starter

And on tablet look the problem see how it should br like in your website and how this is in my website? Pls how to fix that too?

PHPVibe A.

You should wait for the upgrade we work on, cause upgrading you will loose most changes, and we are working on the menu also.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
You should wait for the upgrade we work on, cause upgrading you will loose most changes, and we are working on the menu also.
when the upgrade will out?
and see the last messege.

PHPVibe A.

Hours, max a day.
I saw it, I've told you that part is to be changed.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Hours, max a day.
I saw it, I've told you that part is to be changed.
and you fix the uploader ? :)

PHPVibe A.

Not in this one, but there are 3 upgrades pending, alternative uploader is on the list also.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Not in this one, but there are 3 upgrades pending, alternative uploader is on the list also.
When the upgrade will out?

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Not in this one, but there are 3 upgrades pending, alternative uploader is on the list also.
When the upgrade will out?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Alexander on
Please stop pushing for something, you'll just get my colleagues to say "this is it" and release it, then you will complain it doesn't have that and that.
They are doing their best to release it as soon as possible, they wanted to incorporate an plugins system, but since we get 100 mails per day about when...when...when I'm sure we'll see it next year  (and I'm really waiting for this plugins system >:( )


I modify the text "loading next" in: / dwt / {your} /js/phpvibe_app.js theme

it does not work, you can m 'help please?



PHPVibe A.

Make sure you clear browser cache to see js changes in real time.


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